Sunday, May 31, 2020

Goodbye May - Here Comes June

I'm actually happy to say goodbye to May. The only good thing about it was that I found a lot of time to read.  My right knee suddenly began hurting the beginning of May and I finally had to go to a specialist the middle of the month - X-rays showed moderate patellofemoral osteoarthritis. prescription arthritis drugs didn't work with swelling or pain so, I finally went back 2 weeks later for a cortisone shot (5 days ago).  Slight relief until I had a PT session on Friday and, I literally, could not walk out of the office without borrowing a cane afterwards. I was in so much pain.  I haven't done the at home exercises as knee is still painful.  I'm beginning to wonder whether I have another meniscus tear like I had in same knee about 15 years ago? On a positive note, as I got out of bed this morning, there was very little swelling so I'm hoping progress is being made. F/up Wednesday.

It's been kind of hot and humid this past week but, really nice today. 
I didn't watch much television last week, instead spending most of the week with my feet up reading or playing games on computer. We did watch Double Indemnity, a movie from 1944, after having finished the book. 
Exercise and other highlights…
No highlights/no exercise because of my knee pain.
Today’s To Do List…
Finishing up - If it Bleeds, Stephen King (it's pretty good).

Retail Therapy...

I actually ordered a cane to have on hand as I have to return the one I borrowed on Wednesday. I didn't need it yesterday but, just in case. Exciting huh? (peacock pattern).

May Reads-  (13) Books  (47-YTD) - (3) kids, (2) NF, (8) fiction. Of these (3) were 5 star reads for me.

                                                                  Fave Books of May

  1. Kaia and the Bees; M. Boelts - 5/5 (print/May)
  2. The Nest that Wren Built; Sosenshine - 5/5 (print/May)
  3. Hike; Oswald - 4.5/5 - (print/May) - 4.5/5 (print/May)
  4. The Dilemma; B.A. Paris - 2.5/5 (eGalley/May)
  5. Wild Game; Adrienne Brodeur - NF - 4/5 (eGalley/May)
  6. Brother and Sister; Diane Keaton - 2/5 -(NF/Audio/May)
  7. Olive Kitteridge; Elizabeth Strout - 5/5 (reread/audio/May)
  8. My Dark Vanessa; Kate Elizabeth Russell - 5/5 - (eGalley/May)
  9. Redhead By the Side of the Road; Anne Tyler - 3.5/5 (audio/May)
  10. The Sun Down Motel; Simone St. James - 5/5 - (eGalley/May)
  11. Double Indemnity; James M. Cain - 4.5/5 (print/May)
  12. All Adults Here; Emma Straub - 4/5 - (audio/May)
  13. If it Bleeds; Stephen King (audio - should finish today)
Reading Plans for June (so far)
How did your week go? Any favorite reads?


  1. Yep, May was a bit of a stinker, here's to a much better June!

  2. Lots of reading!! Great job! Hope your knee feels better soon! Happy June!

  3. Pain in the knee is really a pain in the you know what. I have been there. Heating pad alternated with ice helps me the most but I have not had any tears. I hope you are out of pain soon. How did you like the Double Indemnity movie?

    1. Judy, the heating pad works much better for me, icing is just too painful. Double Indemnity - both book and movie were great!

  4. Oh Diane so sorry to hear about your knee pain. Hope it continues to get better! Glad you were at least able to get through quite a lot of books.

    1. Thanks Iliana, yes, reading and being able to concentrate was my saving grace while out of commission.

  5. So sorry about your knee Diane. That sounds awful. I sure hope it feels better soon. Glad you got a lot of reading in though. If It Bleeds was good. I look forward to your thoughts on it.

    I’m ok with seeing May over too. Hard to believe it’s already June though. Our weather has been up and down. Rain and then hot. I’ve been taking advantage of the sun when it shines and soaking it up. Hope you have a good week and feel better!

    1. Glad u enjoyed If it Bleeds Dar. I do like when King does the occasional short stories/ novella combos.

  6. So sorry you are having so much trouble with your knee. I hope this week works out better for you.

    I'm not sure where May went or how much I read this month. It feel strange to see time just fly by and all the days/weeks blend into each other at this point.

  7. I am sorry to hear about your knee. That is not fun in the best of circumstances and in the middle of all this madness, it's an extra insult.

    1. Thanks Helen. I guess we all have to expect some setbacks as we age.

  8. Good luck with the osteoarthritis. It made me have two hip replacements and I do hope my knees will hold out! Hanging in there so far. Welcome to June and better days, I hope.

  9. So sorry to hear about the troubles with your knee - I hope it feels better soon, but a good idea to have a cane on hand it seems.

    Three five star reads is great for a month of reading. I am happy to see Olive Kitteridge as a favourite, I'm in line for that on audio from the library soon.

    Wishing you a much better month in the form of June.

  10. Jade, Hoping you will enjoy your time with Olive K.

  11. Diane,
    Knee pain is hard to deal with. I hope June will be a better month!

  12. Looks like you had a really good reading month in May. Congrats.

    Oh, and by the way, I've come to appreciate a really good cane on occasion. Until I was in rehab after hip surgery a few years ago I hadn't realized just how effective and comforting those things can be. I keep my favorite one handy, still, for those bad days when the hip just doesn't feel right.

  13. You had a good May of books! Sorry to hear about your knee pain ... I know all about knee problems .... I have a prescription of Arthotec which is an anti-inflammatory medicine that helps with pain. Though cortisone usually should help. I hope it will get better!

  14. I am sorry to hear about your knee pain. I hope that is something that can be corrected soon.

    I love Olive Kitteridge. She's real. I think she may be one of my neighbors.

  15. You had a pretty good month of reading, but I'm sorry your knee is giving you trouble. I struggle with mine, on and off, depending on what I've been doing. I definitely can't run anymore, but I noticed a bit of pain when I was riding my bike yesterday. So frustrating to have these ailments as we age. Here's to a better month and, hopefully, less discomfort with you knee, Diane.

  16. Hope your knee starts to feel better soon.

  17. I am so sorry to hear about your knee. I am glad the swelling seems to have gone down, but I hope you are able to get the problem relieved soon. I am really looking forward to reading The Sundown Motel. I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope you have a better June!


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