Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Book Review - My Dark Vanessa; Kate Elizabeth Russell

TITLE:  My Dark Vanessa
AUTHOR:  Kate Elizabeth Russell
PUBLISHER:  William Morrow
PUB. YEAR: 2020
Setting: Maine
Format: eGalley
Rating - 5/5

Vanessa Wye is a lonely 15 y/old scholarship student at a boarding school in Maine.  She's never even had a boyfriend so when her English teacher, 42 y/old Jacob Strane begins to show interest in her, initially by complimenting her writing ability she's thrilled.  Little does she realize it's more than her writing ability that interests him. Drawing her in first with poetry and stories by Nabokov, she is soon lured into a sexual relationship that is about to ruin her life.

The story begins in 2017 in the midst of the #metoo movement when Vanessa, now 32, learns via social media that her former teacher has been accused of abuse by another student. Vanessa can't believe that this is true of her first love, a man she's been obsessed with for years.

Written from Vanessa's POV and alternating from her days as a student and the present where she's living an unfulfilled life without realizing she's been victimized. Vanessa comes across as a sympathetic character while at other times she seems confused or unreliable.  This story was unputdownable and tough to read at times but, it was also an amazing debut.  It was easy to see how a girl like Vanessa might fall victim to a pedophile by just wanting to believe that she was loved.  A wonderful character study, suspense-filled debut novel that is sure to be on my Top 10 list for 2020.  

Have you read it?  NOTE: Possible trigger warnings for anyone who may have been abused.


  1. Oh! The creep factor is high. I can tell just from your review.

  2. I'm glad you liked it, I'm not sure I want to know what happened.

  3. I haven't read this but have had it for a while. Maybe I'll pick it up next.

  4. Such a tough subject. I remember when all the boarding school revelations were coming out a few years ago, how difficult it was to read about it. But, this sounds like it is a story well told.

    1. I thought this was well done; surprised it was a debut but, them sometimes the "debut" is the best one an author ever writes.

  5. I have read it and, as you say, it was tough to read. There were times I just wanted to scream at Vanessa, "You idiot! He's using you! He's a rapist! And he's probably done it many times before." Even to the end she is not really able to fully acknowledge what has happened to her and that is troubling, but I think it is probably realistic. I think many girls/women have an understandable reluctance to see themselves as victims. It is a survival technique.

    1. I think you hit the nail on the head Dorothy - "I think many girls/women have an understandable reluctance to see themselves as victims."

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Diane,
    I just finished My Dark Vanessa late last week. It was a difficult read, primarily because of the convoluted manipulations that the teacher used to keep her in his grasp, even years and years after they were closely involved. I thought the author was brilliant in portraying the teacher's actions, his speech, every single thing he did to keep her in thrall. And haven't we all encountered this in one form or another as young women? The sad thing was how as a young adult, closing in on thirty, she reflected that he and his manipulations had dominated her adolescent years and her twenties. Stunning.

    1. Hi Diane,
      I just wanted to mention that I have replied to your comment on my post of Sunday, May 17th, which you wrote on the 18th, and which I have only just now replied to. I'm behind the times, my friend. Stay well.

    2. That happens to me all the time. I forget to check - comments needing moderation.

  8. I read this one and loved it, and after telling someone that I felt like I needed to somehow explain that comment because the story is definitely disturbing. This one would make for a great book club discussion.

    1. Tina, I agree, a great bookclub discussion book. (I think your review might have been the one that made me want to try this one - so thanks.)

  9. This sounds like this would be a very difficult read but is also done very well. I will have to look for it. Wasn't so sure initially if I wanted to read it but now I'm intrigued.

  10. Oh this sounds very intense. Thank you for the review and I'll definitely have to look for this one!

  11. Wow! That's quite an endorsement. I read a few things the author said that intrigued me but made me think it may be too dark? But, I'm adding it to my list.

  12. Another 5/5 rating! This sounds intense, but I may still give it a try.


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