Thursday, May 21, 2020

Book Review - Redhead By the Side of the Road; Anne Tyler

AUTHOR:  Anne Tyler
PUBLISHER:  Random House Audio
PUB. YEAR: 2020
Setting: Maryland
Format: audio/download
Rating - 3.5/5

Micah Mortimer is in his early 40s and single. He lives a life that thrives on routines.  He was the unplanned baby in his family and the only child that went to college.  Now he lives in a basement apartment in a rather run down building in Baltimore. In exchange for free rent he does routine maintenance and handyman work there.  He also runs a one-man business known as "The Tech Hermit" making house calls for clients with technology/computer issues.  He's been involved long term with Cass, a woman in her 30s, the relationship allows for his life to remain orderly and still allowing him to stick to his routines. So when Cass is facing eviction, she's hoping Micah will suggest she move in. If that isn't enough to upset his orderly life, when a young man named Brink, appears at his door and claims to be his son, Micah is perplexed beyond belief. What's Micah to do?

Written in classic Anne Tyler style and a rather short novel, I enjoyed spending a few hours with quirky Micah, as he contemplates the effects of his life choices. I'm happy I tried this novella but, I didn't think this was one of Tyler's best effects.


  1. I still want to read this--even though novellas are not my favorite.

    1. I do enjoy the quirky character's Tyler tends to create. Hope you enjoy it.

  2. I pretty much agree with you. I liked this but didn't love it.

  3. It's been getting some not-so-great reviews. I haven't read Tyler in years though!

  4. I'll be reading this. I never miss an Anne Tyler book!

  5. I enjoy Anne Tyler's books so hopefully will get to this one eventually. I think she's great at writing quirky characters.

  6. She's hit or miss with me, but somehow I always go back.

  7. I didn't realize that this was a novella. I've read quite a few books by Tyler, but have only enjoyed a couple, so I may skip this one.

  8. I read an Anne Tyler book years ago and liked it but wasn't motivated to read any more of her books. I had thought about picking up this one but think I'll pick another one to re-try her.


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