Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Book Review - Legacy; Nora Roberts


Legacy; Nora Roberts
Macmillan Audio - 2021 - January Lavoy - Narrator
(Library Loan - 14+ hours)

I was craving something different so I decided to try a Nora Roberts standalone novel.  This one was a combo family saga, crime drama with a tad of romance thrown in. The audio, although a bit long, was excellent - narrated by January Lavoy.

The story centers around the Rizzo family: mother, Lina and her daughter Adrian. When Adrian was only eight years old, her biological father, who wasn't a part of her life, forced his way into the family home and almost killed his own daughter.  Fortunately, he died during the incident instead.

Lina is a hardworking, self-made yoga and fitness influencer with a work schedule that doesn't allow much together time for her and young daughter Adrian.  Luckily, Adrian has loving grandparents who love having Adrian in their lives and take her in to live with them. The couple owns an Italian Restaurant and Pizza shop.  As Adrian grow up she follows in her mother's footsteps by starting her own fitness brand company.  Life is good until something unsettling begins happening around Valentine's Day one year. Adrian begins receiving notes and poems from what seems to be a mysterious stalker. The individual, we later learn, has several targets.

Adrian was a great character that was easy to root for.  As with other Nora Roberts books, there was a the slow build of a romantic relationship with Raylan, who Adrian had a crush on as a child when she lived in Maryland with her grandparents. Raylan is another wonderful character who hadn't had an easy time in recent years. I enjoyed reading about the two of them.  This was a pleasant surprise and I enjoyed it enough to add Nightwork, Nora Robert's latest book to my library reserve's list.  

Rating - 4/5 stars


  1. I really liked it but, it was way too long. Vicki, your secret is safe with me LOL

  2. I have this one on my library pile, plus two more and one on my Kindle. I don't tend to binge read Nora Roberts, just one occasionally, so I think they'll be on my library pile for a while yet.

  3. She must publish a bood a week, she's amazing.

  4. I'll definitely try the audio of this at some point in the next few months.

    1. It was a nice change for me, a bit long but the audio was great.

  5. Two good books in a row! That's awesome. :)

  6. I haven't read a NR book in a long time! Her books are either a hit or miss to me. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this one.

    1. I don't like too much romance so these standalone suspense/romance ones seem to work.

  7. This one sounds good! I haven't read a Nora Roberts book in ages! Thanks for sharing.

    1. The stand-alones are a good way to ease back in. I'll be reading her new standalone Nightwork in July as well.

  8. Fourteen hours is a bit long for me as well, but glad to hear it was good overall. I haven't had much luck with Nora Roberts, but I do have several of her books on my TBR. I should give her another try. There's one set in Alaska that I want to read — Northern Lights, I think.

    1. I loved Northern Lights when I read it about 20 years ago.


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