Tuesday, June 14, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Tin Camp Road; Ellen Airgood


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.  This one comes from my (20) Books of Summer list.

Tin Camp Road; Ellen Airgood
Riverhead Books - 2021


Laurel Hill knew that a part of her would die if she ever had to leave Lake Superior.  Its lapping was a heartbeat, one connected to her own.  Without the sight and sound of it landing onshore and departing again, the turning of the water as constant as the earth's orbit, her soul would fade and tear, a sheet left on on the line too long.

What do you think read more or pass?


  1. This one is new to me! I like the opening enough to click over and see what it's about.

    1. I just started this and think it was be a good summer choice. Single mom with young daughter to support - I like the writing so far.

  2. Great excerpt! Now I definitely want to read more.

    1. Yes, I enjoyed the intro and I wanted to learn more - just started it.

  3. Such a wonderful intro, yep, more reading would be in the cards.

    1. This far it seems like a nice book to ease into summer with.

  4. I haven't heard of this one but that intro makes me want to read more.

    1. Short chapters and only on chapter 7 but but, so far I am enjoying it.

  5. It's a great first line! I'm curious to know what this book is about. :)

    1. SO far a single mom trying to make ends meet and her 10 year old daughter.

  6. A very thoughtful passage...yes, I'd read on...

  7. An absolute grabber first sentence for me personally. I think often these days about what it will mean when we have to leave this house in the wilds of the Adirondacks. So, whatever the scenario here, I'm very curious, and will investigate this book. Thanks! Enjoy...

    1. Oh yes, Judith, I can see how many people might feel like that about a home/locale that has been special for them.

  8. hmm she's really connected to Lake Superior. So I'm a bit curious on why she thinks she has to leave or if she is being forced ... for some reason.


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