Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday Update - What I've Been Reading


This has been a rough week for a variety of reasons. I only left the house for appointments, mine or the hubs and, although I wasn't active at least I was able to relax and listen to audio books.  This week means several appointments. I do hope to make our book group meeting on Wednesday and lunch with the group beforehand. We read - A Long Petal of the Sea; Isabel AllendeOh and my DIL has had COVID since Thursday but, so far my son and granddaughter are okay. 

We did go to a local vintage car show held locally yesterday for a bit - How's this for a paint job on this vintage truck?

Finished Reading

3/5 stars

3.5/5 stars

no review yet
3.5/5 stars

Currently Reading or Listening to:

(Tin Camp Road - midway point - it's a slow moving story but I really like it.)

The Foundling; Ann Leary - (almost done -  perhaps tonight - very good)

After Cath -Read-Warbler logged about enjoying several of Nora Roberts suspense novels, I wanted to give her a try after a long hiatus.  Legacy, an audio book with January Lavoy as narrator is excellent - at about the 38% mark.)

Still Need to review

How was your week? Read any good books?


  1. I'm sorry you've had a rough week, Diane. And I'm very sorry that your DIL has COVID. I'm hearing of more and more friends and family catching it this spring, but we've continued to stay safe and healthy.

    I'm looking forward to reading your review for Cloud Cuckoo Land. I'm planning to read it later this year, but want to wait until I can devote a big chunk of time without interruptions from visitors and traveling. Maybe November...

    1. Cloud Cuckoo Land does take patience but worthwhile. Anthony Doerr is such a wonderful author.

  2. Hi Diane,
    I do hope your son and grand-daughter remain healthy. And what a mess lots of appointments can make to a week! Your reading sounds wonderful, though.
    You know, I've recently been wondering if I should try a Nora Roberts novel as an audio book. I'll check out Legacy and see if it might work for me.
    I had The Foundling on my radar and had put it on my holds list, but ended up removing it because I had so many books on there and so many to read! I'll make a notation on my "Wannaread" List, so maybe I can catch up with it later this year or next.
    Just curious...In what part of your house do you like to read?

  3. Thanks Judith. I think you would enjoy Legacy on audio. I am also going to try Night Work by Nora Roberts later this year. As for reading space, I actually have a dedicated reading loft just for me but, since my knees are never perfect, I limit trips up the steep stairs. I generally read or listen to books in a blue chaise in the living room and audio books for an hour or so in bed most nights. How about you?

  4. Sorry to hear last week was a rough week for you, Diane. I hope this week's apointments go well.

    I think I have Legacy on my library pile at the moment so I'm keen to hear what you make of it if you have time and energy to review.

    Sending good vibes and prayers. You take care.

    1. Thanks Cath! I had thought Legacy was one of the ones you read - it is holding my interest. You may enjoy it.

  5. I hope your appointments go well, and that your DIL makes a speedy recovery. Have fun at book group!

  6. I loved two of the books on the list, and wrote about them on my blog. The Allende here:

    And Cloud Cuckoo Land here:

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks for the links Mae, I hadn't realized you read Cloud Cuckoo Land. Allende is a very talented writer as well.

  7. Diane, I'm sorry you had a rough week. I hope your daughter-in-law recovers quickly from Covid and that the rest of her family doesn't get it. Several of my dad's elderly friends have it right now, but so far their cases seem to be very mild.

    I look forward to reading your reviews of Cloud Cuckoo Land and A Long Petal of the Sea.

    1. Thanks Deb, this COVID think is never going to end it seems.

  8. I'll add my 'sorry' to your tough week, Diane. And also hope your DIL recovers well from her illness. We've had a couple of friends in the Austin area that have had it after a vacation with family. It's still around for sure. Happily, we managed our trip without acquiring anything. It was a little odd being on an airplane again. With the prices these days, our trips by air may be limited in the future anyway.

    I have a copy of Legacy by Nora Roberts and will likely read it at some point. I had noted that Cath liked it and good to hear what you think too. Her standalone books have not been ones that I read with regularity, but I've read quite a few. I do keep up with her JD Robb series.

    Take care and hope this week goes better.

  9. Thanks Kay, my week is better so far:) I hope you like the Nora Roberts book Legacy - about 1/2 way through.

  10. Lots of appointments. I hope that is all going well and that you are feeling strong.

  11. You are working on quite a few books at once! I'll be curious about what you say about the Allende book. The painted flames on that truck are pretty cool looking, wow!

    1. I thought the Allende story overall was okay but, she tried getting ALL the historical detail precise rather than less is often more (when a novel spans 60 years. The characters (there were many) but, the main characters needed more depth. Our group met today and we were mixed on what we thought of it.

  12. I'm so sorry last week was a rough one and I hope this week is much better. The paint job is impressive! I've only been to a couple of car shows and am always amazed with what people can do. I hope you're enjoying Legacy! I enjoyed that one and really have liked most of her suspense books though some are a bit darker. I love January LaVoy as a narrator!

    1. Glad you enjoyed Legacy Katherine. January Lavoy is an excellent narrator.

  13. Sorry for the rough week and I hope this week's appointments are going a little better. Covid seems to be hitting more and more people lately - I hope you DIL recovers quickly and your son and granddaughter can avoid. Both of our NYC daughters and boyfriends had it last month.

    I'll look forward to hearing more about Tin Camp Road. That one sounds so appealing! And I always enjoy Ann Leary, too. Love the paint job on that truck!

    1. Too bad about your daughters and the boyfriends; fortunately the vaccine has lessened the side effects of virus. Tin Camp Road was a major slog - I can't recommend it; I posted my thought today.


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