Tuesday, August 2, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Family Remains; Lisa Jewell


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.  

The Family Remains; Lisa Jewell
Atria - August 9, 2022

(sequel to The Family Upstairs)


June 2019


"Jason Mott?"

I stare down at the young man that stands below me ankle-deep in the mud of the banks of the Thames.  He has sandy hair that hangs in curtains on either side of a soft, freckled-face.  He's wearing knee-high rubber boots and a khaki gilet with multiple pockets and is surrounded by a circle of gawping people.  I go to him, trying to keep my toes away from the mud.

"Good morning," I say.  "I'm Detective Inspector Samuel Owusu.  This is Saffron Brown from our forensics team."  I see Jason Mott trying very hard not to look as if he is excited to be in the presence of two real-life detectives--and failing. "I hear you have found something. Maybe you could explain?"

What do you think -- read more of pass?  I read The Family Upstairs in 2019 so I am looking forward to starting this on toward the end of the week.


  1. Oh yes I'd definitely need to read more.

    1. I liked the intro as well; hope to start it after I finish one other book: Metropolis; BA Shapiro.

  2. This is so definitely something I need to add to my list!

  3. It is certainly enough to pique my interest.

    1. I've read a few books by this author and they are generally pretty interesting.

  4. I want to read The Family Upstairs first, but have this one on my list. I like the beginning.

    1. The Family Upstairs was good enough to make me want to read the follow uo.

  5. Those first lines definitely make me curious about what's happening...and what will happen next.

  6. I've been wanting to read this author. I would give this book a try.

  7. I'm totally unsure where this one is heading, so I'd definitely read more before making up my mind about it.

  8. A story based around The Thames would likely end up being very interesting so I would definitely read on!

    1. It seems like I recently read something about mud-raking (not sure that was the term in the Thames??

  9. I'd also what to know what the find was!

  10. I'd read more! And I want to read The Family Upstairs too. Both sound great.


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