Tuesday, August 30, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Killers of a Certain Age; Deanna Raybourn

Welcome to
 First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.  

Killers of a Certain Age; Deanna Raybourn
Berkley - 9/5/2022

Chapter One
November 1979

"My mothers always says it's common as pig's tracks to go around with a run in your stockings."  Helen says, eyeing Billie's ripped hosiery critically.

Billie rolls her eyes. "Helen, it's murder, not cotillion."

"It's not murder," Helen corrects. "It's an assassination, and you can make an effort to look nice.  Besides, they're supposed to believe we're stewardesses and no stewardess would be caught dead with torn pantyhose."  Helen brandishes a familiar plastic egg. "I brought spares.  Please go change while you still have time.  I'll start the coffee."

What do you think --read more or pass?  I've been so looking forward to this one. Not only is is supposed to be funny, these women  are older as well - something we don't see that often in fiction.

This book releases next Tuesday.


  1. Sounds interesting. I'll probably read more. Plus, that title alone is enough to hold my attention. ;)

  2. That's a bang-up beginning. I'd have to read more.

  3. It's pretty funny. I'd keep reading. :)

  4. Now I am intrigued. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm definitely planning on reading this one. Used my Book of the Month pick for it. Anyway, I laughed at the pantyhose talk and the 'familiar egg' - I remember those. Ha! Thank goodness I never have to wear them again.

    1. Tes, the EGG back in the day. I was disappointed when then swapped them out for those little boxes or baggies LOL

  6. Yes, thank goodness we don't wear pantyhose these days. Last time I wore them was aboyt 5 years ago to a more formal occasion.

  7. I've been seeing this one around and it looks so good. I already have it on my wishlist. Sounds like a book I'd enjoy.

  8. Hmmm, something is up, I'd want to know more.

  9. Oh no the pantyhose in the eggs! Haha.. definitely takes me back to my 20s and working in stuffy offices. So glad the past several years my jobs have all been casual dress. Anyway, back to the book, yes would definitely read! Hope you enjoy it.

  10. Definitely would keep reading. Not only is Deanna Raybourn a favorite author but the mention of the familiar egg made me laugh. I had forgotten about them and that packaging was so much more fun then the packets they're in now!

  11. I agree, loved those eggs but guess they weren't environmentally friendly or they just found a cheaper way to package them.

  12. This one sounds promising right from the start, and I've had pretty good luck with this author in the past, so I'd definitely read on.

  13. This is an author I've been meaning to try and never have; hope to start it over weekend after finishing Third Handed Twin and The Woman in the Library.


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