Tuesday, August 23, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Woman in the Library; Sulari Gentill

Welcome to
 First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.  

The Woman in the Library; Sulari Gentill
Poison Pen Press - 2022
Chapter One

Writing in the Boston Public Library had been a mistake.  It was too magnificent.  One could spend hours just staring at the ceiling in the Reading Room.  Very few books have been written with the writer's eyes cast upwards.  It judged you, that ceiling, looked down on you in every way. Mocked you with an architectural perfection that couldn't be achieved by simply placing one word after another until a structure took shape.  It made you want to start with grand arcs, to build a magnificent framework into which the artistic detail would be written--a thing of vision and symmetry and cohesion.  But, that sadly, isn't the way I write.

I've been patiently waiting for my library hold to become available and just picked this one up.  What do you think --read more or pass?


  1. This sounds like it has possibilities... I'd keep reading. Hope you enjoy it!

    1. Finishing up (2) others and hope to start it this weekend. I did like the intro.

  2. I "read more" of this book earlier this year and found it quite interesting. I hope you do, too.

    1. Oh, I didn't recall that you read this one. Good to know you liked it.

  3. I love the image of staring up at a glorious library ceiling. Enjoy!

    1. Yes, that ceiling is magnificent and I would stare at it all day as I tend to get distracted easily at times LOL

  4. I've heard good things and not quite so good things about this book, so I'm curious to see what you think of it!

    1. I am curious - I do like the sound of it; hope to start it this weekend.

  5. I like the sound of this one. I'll have to check it out.

    1. I passed when I first saw it but, I read so many favorable reviews that I now want to see for myself.

  6. Whoa that was super intriguing! Definitely read more.

    1. Sara, glad you liked the intro. I thought it was good as well.

  7. That's a great opening. I started listening to this one but got a bit too confused with who was speaking so this is one I definitely want to check out again but a physical or e-copy. Can't wait to hear what you think!

    1. I thought about the audio but I do think the print is the way to go. I prefer the print when MPOV or descriptive writing.

  8. Hmm, for some reason not my favorite opening but this book sounds intriguing and I would keep going! :)

  9. Boston Public Library is one of a kind - definitely a place to visit if you ever come to Boston.

  10. Interesting response Greg. For some reason, I loved the intro but then I can envision the BPL ceiling and the place is just one-of-a-kind.

  11. I read this one a while back and really liked it. Hope you do too!

  12. Hi there Diane!

    Oh yea!!! So glad you are reading this one now. I loved The Woman in the Library and just know you will too.

    Looking forward to your review!

  13. Excellent! Hope to start it this weekend when I finish (2) others,

  14. I guess Blogger at my comment again, I was here yesterday. That is really well written, I'd read more.

  15. It was so so in my opinion, but still I'd suggest you read it.

  16. Harvee, yes some of the reviews are mixed but, I did like that intro - we shall see. Will start this weekend.

  17. I'd keep reading! I have this one on my TBR.

    1. Hope to read more tomorrow - trying to finish one other book.

  18. Well, you know I loved this one, so I'd say keep reading! Nudge, nudge.

  19. I've only read a couple of chapters as I want to finish one other book book but, I like the writing. I'm getting to the stage that I need LP in library hardcovers if the print is too light as my eyes tire quickly...LOL


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