Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday Batherings

Did you have a nice Christmas readers?  Ours was very fun and having an almost 3 year old certainly added to the enjoyment. (The 6 mth old and 8 mth old were mostly interested in eating the wrapping paper).  As always there was way too much food (I'm always worried there won't be enough) and we had lots of leftovers even after packing care packages for guests to take home.  Today, I tossed the remainder of the fattening stuff and am anxious to start back with normal eating.

The little ones got some nice gifts like an LL Bean sled, wagons, balance bike and doll house, along with clothes, lots of books, blocks, wooden walker toys and more.

Friday we hit the movie theater and ended up staying for a double feature.

Neither were upbeat movies, and Unbroken had some tough to watch scenes for sure, but was an amazing story -- I loved the book as well.  I was surprised I liked the movie, Wild, as I gave up on the book and did not like the main character.  Witherspoon did a great job.

Yesterday I set up the Amazon Fire Stick I purchased for just $39.00 (so easy set up too) and we are now able to stream all sorts of free movies, and tv shows instantly. I have a feeling my reading will slip even more as a result.

I haven't done any reading over the last few weeks and my goal is to finish 2 reviews over the next few days to start the New Year off right.  Other plans -- off to visit a couple museums later today and something light for dinner.

This week while I am off, I plan to weed some more books from my shelves, and I also plan to do my 2014 Best Reads List.

Have a great week everyone.


  1. We had a nice, quiet Christmas - just what we hoped for. I have plans to see a movie with a friend on January 6 and we'll probably see one of those you saw.

    1. Glad your Christmas was nice Kathy.

      We will be hitting more movies: Gambler, Sniper, Big Eyes and Imitation Game are still on our list.

  2. Christmas holidays are over here as most people will be back at work tomorrow. Sri Lanka is however caught up in the whirl of a Presidential Election!

    1. Hope your Christmas was special, and that the election results benefit your country overall.

  3. I'm having a problem with my best reads of 2014 - there are just so many good ones to choose from this year! Happy New Year

  4. Oh yea, the streaming movies are habit forming!

  5. We had a low-key, relaxing Christmas this year... until the little people got overtired, that is. I too noticed the 8 mo old was more interested in eating the packaging!

    Unbroken is my next audio listen. Book club chose it for January's read. I'm not sure how I missed it when it was first published. And I'm afraid to add streaming media to my TV - we may never get off the couch if I do!

    1. My reading has decreased. I haven't picked up a book since we added streaming media -- I am sooo loving it though.

      Enjoy Unbroken --such a wonderful story.

  6. I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Ours here was beautiful too, if quite fattening. :).

    I might see the movie Wild, haven't decided. I didn't think the book was nearly as good as it was hyped to be, and I didn't like the main character/author at all. But I lived Unbroken the book and definitely want to see the film!

    1. Mary, I never made it through the book Wild, just couldn't relate to the main character, but the movie was good.

  7. I'm certainly looking forward to watching Unbroken as I loved the book too. I don't know about Wild though - I'll probably give that a pass.

  8. Oh man, I didn't eat a lot of any one thing but the jeans are snug. I dumped the sweets today. Gotta get to the rest of he fridge tomorrow.

    Christmas was good. No drama, really. It was rather quiet. A first!

    1. No drama around the holidays is always a wonderful thing. Enjoy the rest of you away from work time.

  9. Sounds like a lovely Christmas! Little kids definitely make the holiday even more fun! Unbroken looks amazing though definitely difficult to watch. I haven't read the book yet but I intend too. I haven't read Wild and was hesitant about it as I read another book by the author and didn't connect with her. I do love Reese Witherspoon and since you had similar problems with the author I'll have to reconsider. Have a great week!

    1. I found the main character in Wild annoying and irresponsible in Wild as I read, and couldn't make it through the book, but the movie made her way less offensive.

      My mom died when I was just a few years older than the author (also of cancer) and I just didn't get the way she choose to live her life prior to hiking for 100 days.

  10. I am not usually a big fan of Reese Witherspoon, but yours is the second positive review I've heard of this movie and of her performance in particular. I'll probably wait 'til it comes to DVD though. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

    1. We enjoyed it, but waiting until the DVD is released is probably a great idea Irene.

  11. That cartoon is a riot! One thing I did not get for Christmas was a book gift card - you'd think people would think of that! LOL

    1. My birthday is also in Dec and received lots of book gift cards at that time...yay

  12. Glad you had a great celebration. Our six month old grandbaby was quite good at ripping off the wrapping paper. That was more fun than what was inside. I hear you about getting rid of the sweets. UGH, I ate fruit and only fruit today! Working on my favorite of 2014 list too.

  13. Unbroken is an amazing read. Wild, was one I could not get through as I really had a difficult time with the main character, the movie was pretty good though.

  14. Both of those movies are ones I would like to see.

    After gorging myself on Christmas cookies just a while ago (mindless eating while surfing the internet) I have decided that I also need to dump the junk food and get back to normal eating. My jeans aren't snug right now, but they will be if I keep this up.

    1. I think most of us are happy to be done with the excess food surrounding us at the holidays:) Happy New Year

  15. It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, Diane. I remember the wrapping paper chewing days. :-) We had a relatively quiet Christmas at our house--just the three of us and the cats.

    I want to see Unbroken, but I haven't yet read the book. I want to do that first. I have heard mixed reviews about the movie, but I am glad you liked it. I'm not sure about Wild. After you mentioning you didn't care for the book but did like the movie, I may just have to give it a try after all.

    Have a Happy New Year, my friend!

    1. I was surprised how quickly both movies flew by Wendy. I expected to be a bit bored with Wild --hiking--hiking---hiking, but it was well done.

  16. Sounds like you've been having a wonderful holiday! Ours was quiet and that's ok. Now if only I can get more reading done :) Looking forward to your end of year list!

    1. Iilian, I need to get back to reading. I've been a tv watcher later it seems:)

  17. I really liked the movie Wild. Glad to hear the movie was good. I am excited for that one.

    1. As I mentioned, I never finished the book, not liking the main character, but for me, the movie worked better.

  18. Your Christmas sounds perfect! One of the most fun and frenzied Christmas mornings I can remember occurred when our oldest was nearly 3. Unbroken was an amazing book, but I'm afraid the movie will be too much for me. I may have to reconsider and go see Wild though.

    1. There were parts in the Unbroken movie, when I had to turn my head, but it was very well done.

  19. I loved both books: Unbroken and Wild. I'm planning on seeing Unbroken over the New Years break. I'm glad you had a great holiday. It is so much fun with younger children around. Happy New Year!

  20. I've read both Unbroken and Wild and am anxious to see both films, although the movie I can't wait to see is Still Alice. I keep debating whether I want to re-read that book before or after I see the movie.

    Glad you had such a nice holiday. Ours is winding down, as we head back to the frigid Midwest tomorrow. Our time in Oregon has been so relaxing and now that the sun is shining, I really hate to leave. We'll be back again this summer, though, so I have that to look forward to. Just need to survive the bitter cold back in Nebraska...

  21. Diane, it sounds like you are enjoying the holidays with your lovely family. It is hard for me to fit the reading in as well. I'm glad you were able to see a double feature! I hope to see a movie at the theater before too long. Have a safe and happy New Year's!

  22. Glad you had a nice Christmas - ours was as quiet as a 4 year old opening up presents can be :)
    My husband read Unbroke (I didn't) and he's read the movie is a little disappointing. I'll have to tell him you liked it!


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