Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Blatherings and New Books

This past week we had the pleasure on spending several days on Cape Cod with 75-79 degree mostly sunny weather, which is very unusual for Massachusetts mid October.  We spent most of our time in Chatham and Provincetown with briefer moments at The National Seashore in Wellfleet and Dennisport.  The picture above is of the Provincetown Public Library and the photo beneath is The Rose Dorothea Schooner which is housed inside the children's department. It's really amazing and not to be missed if ever in the area.

Chatham Coast Guard House, Cape Cod

Nauset Lighthouse, Eastham, MA, Cape Cod

The park near the Chatham Inn had a pumpkin patch with Hillary and Donald, as well as many other fun pumpkin exhibits.


Today the weather is more typical of New England weather. It's 53 degrees and sunny with a high of 59 slated for today. Today's plans call for a lot of nesting: a little cooking, a little reading and perhaps a short walk.  Hope everyone has a great week.


  1. It looks like such a fun week! We had record highs here last week and woke up to 38 degrees this morning. It'll be back in the 80s tomorrow.

    1. Crazy weather for sure, we have a low of 28 predicted for tuesday night.

  2. We went to Cape Cod at the beginning of the month, but you had much warmer weather! Looks like we visited many of the same places, too. I'm looking forward to Wally Lamb's new book... enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Thanks JoAnn, I did enjoy your pics of the Cape. Chatham and Ptown are my favorite stopovers.

  3. The time on Cape Cod sounds and looks wonderful! I have many happy memories from time there (mostly in Falmouth) during college when I would go there with a friend during vacations.

    1. Oh how cool that you had time to visit Cape Cod in college. I suspect not too much has changed.

  4. That looks like such a fun trip and that schooner thing looks pretty cool!

    1. The schooner was a huge surprise and yes quite amazing to see.

  5. Love the Cape Cod photos, Diane! Enjoy your new books!

  6. Love the pictures! Have fun with your new books!

  7. Cape Cod isn't somewhere I've ever been but would like to. Looks lovely. Book wise, The Quarry caught my eye as I read it years ago going through an Iain Banks phase. I remember loving it at the time.

    1. Cape Cod is heavy heavy traffic in summer but perfect to visit in spring or fall.

  8. My husband just finished Moonglow and loved it! I get to read it next.

  9. It was such a pretty library and fun town to visit

  10. Great photos! I was once on Cape Cod, driving along with a friend...back in the day. Memorable moments.

    Enjoy your books; I am curious about Only Love Can Break Your Heart...and the new Wally Lamb.

  11. I LOVE that boat in the library! How cool.

  12. Dying to read I'll Take You There! You got some great books.

  13. It looks like you had a great trip. I love that photo of the Nauset Lighthouse. It looks like it could be a painting!

    Looks like we're going to have more warm weather here. 80+ today. I'm not complaining!!

    It's been a long time since I've read Wally Lamb. I'm curious about his new book.

  14. We could not go to Provincetown when we were in Cape Cod early this year but it's still on my list. I hope to be back someday. Those exhibits are hilarious!

  15. What a lovely trip. Love the scarecrows!


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