Sunday, December 17, 2017

Mid December Update - 2017

December has been a busy month and about to get busier for many of us.  This month is another milestone birthday month for me - hello Medicare - happy to be another year older and still healthy and feeling great!  I got an early birthday present from my husband, the new iPhone X, I previously had the 6 plus for the last 3 years which I loved, but this is a bit smaller yet just about the same screen display and has awesome camera capabilities. Love it!

Here's a pic from yet another birthday celebration; We are so lucky to have these little cuties in our lives.

We saw the new Denzel Washington movie a few weeks ago ---

Denzel Washington played a very different part as the title character in Roman J. Israel, Esq. Roman is a former activist lawyer who is always sloppily dressed and sometimes appears to be in another world, but is very bright, having spent much of his legal career behind the scenes doing case prep work. However, when the owner of the law firm where he works for dies unexpectedly, his career and life changes in inexplicable ways in a matter of just three weeks.

We enjoyed it!

Christmas Prep
  • Did a little decorating
  • I sent out our cards
  • Christmas shopping is done
  • We got our first snowstorm of 2017 - 4"
  • We saw a fun live performance in the midst of the snowstorm - Crimes of the Heart
  • I baked holiday cookies and froze them, then defrosted 6 for us to sample:) delicious
  • I attended a book group Christmas lunch at a nearby restaurant which was fun and, we got our 2018 reading list.
  • We tried a new to us top rated Italian restaurant a few towns away and we were very pleased.
  • We celebrated my birthday with a live production called, Home for the Holidays - it was fantastic.
  • Today we gathered family for Brunch with Mr & Mrs Claus, a tradition. 
  • Next week we are going away overnight to see friends in another state and out to dinner as well.
  • Finally Christmas get-together here on the 25th
Reading - very little of that happening again this month

Have a great week everyone.


  1. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad to see you love your new phone - I got Carl one for Christmas.

    Your December is crazy busy!

  2. I love my iPhone X, especially the camera. I keep joking that the facial recognition doesn't know it's me since we are wearing masks due to the fires. :-)

    1. I was a bit hesitant about the facial recognition - so glad it doesn't show my mug that it captured LOL I'm happy you are safe in CA. Dreadful to watch those fires burning on television.

  3. Happy Birthday from all of us. Our Dad is a December baby too and he is retiring at the end of this month. Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Thank you and I am so happy that dad will be getting more time at home with all the kitties soon.

  4. Happy Birthday from another December baby! You certainly don't look like you're ready for Medicare!

    I have never owned an iPhone and am very happy with my Samsung Galaxy S5. Love the camera and never use my DSLR anymore.

    I'm enjoying this week before Christmas. Gifts are all wrapped/shipped/under the tree. Cards are all in the mail. I've been enjoying the free time to bake and work on puzzles and read!

    Oooh, care to send me your book club's reading list for 2018? I'm in a new group and we're putting our list together.

    Enjoy your busy month!

    1. Thanks Les, very sweet - I don't feel 65 either -- whatever that is supposed to feel like LOL I never use a regular camera any more either. Here is our book list for 2018 for our group is (I've already read 4/11 but don't mind when that happens)--

      Jan- Small Great Things; Picoult (already read it)
      Feb- Girl on a Train; Hawkins (already read it)
      Mar - Lucky; Amy Bloom
      Apr - The Nest; Sweeney (already read it)
      May- Killers of the Flower Moon; Grann
      June- Wicked; Gregory
      July-Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt; Hoffman (already read it)
      Aug- Moonglow ; Chabon
      Sept- Women in the Castle; Shattack
      Oct- The Witches of Salem; Schiff
      Nov- Swans of Fifth Avenue; Benjamin
      Dec- no book - holiday party

    2. Thanks for the list, Diane! I love seeing other groups' lists.

  5. Happy birthday, Diane. Wonderful pic! Enjoy your new phone - that's also my hubby's Christmas gift this year which he opened early and loves. I'm still using my 7 and probably will for a couple years. I'm curious about your club's reading list for next year.

    1. Thanks Mary - it was a fun day/week. I'm glad your hubby will likes his new iPhone. My husband has the 6 but, wasn't interested in a new phone just yet.
      Here is our book list for 2018 for our group is (I've already read 4/11 but don't mind when that happens)--

      Jan- Small Great Things; Picoult (already read it)
      Feb- Girl on a Train; Hawkins (already read it)
      Mar - Lucky; Amy Bloom
      Apr - The Nest; Sweeney (already read it)
      May- Killers of the Flower Moon; Grann
      June- Wicked; Gregory
      July-Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt; Hoffman (already read it)
      Aug- Moonglow ; Chabon
      Sept- Women in the Castle; Shattack
      Oct- The Witches of Salem; Schiff
      Nov- Swans of Fifth Avenue; Benjamin
      Dec- no book - holiday party

  6. Happy milestone birthday! Sounds like you're having a good month. I've always heard about those people who can finish their Xmas shopping early--I always have at least one thing that takes me down to the wire. I hadn't heard about the Denzel Washington movie, but it sounds good.

    Happy Holidays!

    1. I always think I'm done shopping and then end up picking a few more things LOL

  7. Happy Medicare. I got mine a couple of years ago. It's very nice to have!

    1. It's a relief after previously paying almost $1,000/mth for my insurance the last year.

  8. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!! (I am not far behind you, I am 62!). have one GENEROUS hubby! The X costs a fortune! I have the 6 and am hoping to upgrade to the 8 early next year, I heard the camera is amazing!! Happy Holidays also! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Thanks Caren, those years have way of sneaking up on us don't they?

  9. Wow, you've been busy! But you've already baked cookies and sent out your cards - I;m impressed - mine are usually the cards that arrive a couple of days after Christmas!

    Happy Birthday!


    Book By Book

    1. Thanks Sue, yes, I've been trying to stay ahead of the stress this year.

  10. Happy belated birthday, Diane! Beautiful family photo! I am still busy with Christmas preparations. Have a great week!

  11. A wonderful life you are having!! The movie sounds great.

  12. That's a beautiful picture. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you Margot - I hope you have a special Christmas as well.

  13. Happy Birthday Diane. Great photo of you and the grandkids!

    1. Thanks so much Judy - Have a nice holiday and great New Year as well.

  14. What a sweet picture and happy birthday! I imagine December is crazy for so many of us. Hope you enjoy all the festivities with your loved ones!

    1. Thank you Iliana, Hope you have a nice holiday season as well.

  15. Lucky to have your cuties! Good luck w/ your new phone!

  16. Happy belated birthday! The new iPhone is tempting me so much and I hope you're enjoying it. I love the picture. Looks like everyone is having a great time. Sounds like you're on top of Christmas prep! Have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. The best part for me with the new iPhone is the battery life. I can go 24+ hours on a charge even playing a lot of games. Happy New Year.

  17. Such a wonderful photo of you with your granddaughters! Glad you're enjoying this birthday/holiday season... the reading can wait. Belated happy birthday wishes and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Thanks JoAnn and hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year.

  18. You really are keeping busy! Happy birthday and merry Christmas! What fun with those three little cuties around!

  19. Love this adorable pic!


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