Friday, March 2, 2018

Books and Movies for February

I knew it was risky hanging my new spring wreath earlier this week. Today we are in the midst of a Nor'Easter! Fortunately, for us, so far it's just 45MPH winds and heavy rain. Better this than snow at this point as long as we do not lose power.

Books Read in February - 5

  1. The Woman in the Window; A.J. Finn - 4/5 (eGalley) Feb/2018
  2. Nomadland; Jessica Bruder - 4.5/5 NF/library Feb/2018
  3. Saints for All Occasions; J. Courtney Sullivan (eGalley) - 4.5/5 - Feb/2018 (review not completed yet)
  4. Girl on the Train; Paula Hawkins (reread/book group) - 4/5 - Feb/2018
  5. Census; Jesse Ball - (eGalley) 4/5 - Feb/2018 (review not completed yet)
My Book Group read for February was: Girl on the Train; Paula Hawkins. It was a reread for me.  It made for a lively discussion and I enjoyed the refresher. Only (1) club member did not like the book!

Movies Watched in February - 9

Plans for March

  • Catch Up on reviews
  • read/review a few children's books
  • read Lucky Us; Amy Bloom (book group read)
  • read a few review books releasing in March
  • plan a mini getaway

How was your February?


  1. We had rain and winds the last two days and are very happy to see the sun today.

    I want to read Nomadland.

    My son and I loved Three Billboards too.

  2. My 'movies' are all television shows. ;<)) I should start listing them, though. Fun to think back on the month of viewing. Acorn, Netflix, Britbox, and my DVDs.

    1. It is fun to look back and see what we watched and what we enjoyed.

  3. I loved Good Will Hunting when I saw it all those years ago and I definitely want to see 3 Billboards.

  4. I need to try J. Courtney Sullivan...I can't believe I haven't read her yet.

  5. We have disgustingly hot humid days and then showers in early evening.

  6. Hope you don't lose power. Just saw a bit about the weather in your part of the world on the early news. Beautiful wreath! You had some good reads and movies. It's been years since I saw Gaslight. After reading The Woman in the Window, all those B/W movies mentioned seemed interesting.

    1. We did not lose power - so happy but, we have another storm coming on Wednesday UGH

  7. That's a nice bunch of good ones! I hope the storm behaves in your neck of the woods!

    1. No power loss so that was good, but, now another storm coming on Wednesday.

  8. Diane, don't forget to get me a mailing address so I can send you your book. My email is

    1. Unfortunately, I didn't enter any giveaway; please select another winner.

  9. I was going to try to see Three Billboards today before watching the Oscars tomorrow but it is raining hard and I am staying in! I thought The Girl on the Train movie was immensely better than the book. I am looking forward to reading your review of Census.

    1. Just loved Three Billboards but, so THRILLED that my Shape of Water won best picture - such a great movie.

  10. I hope you don't lose power! We've had lots of rain this past month, but today the sun came out and it looks like it will be a nice day. I need to get outside and walk! Your wreath is so pretty. I'm ready for spring, too. I checked out Nomadland from the library the other day, but haven't gotten to it yet. I hope I can get it read before it's due back! Good Will Hunting was such a good movie! I should add it to my Netflix queue for a second viewing. It's been years! Have a great week, Diane.

    1. Les, we didn't lose power; so happy about that. Unfortunately, we have a huge storm coming again on Wednesday.

  11. The only movie listed here that I've seen is The Girl on the Train (which I saw a while ago). You have the perfect "excuse" to stay inside this weekend and enjoy more books and movies, Diane!

    1. We have another storm scheduled for Wednesday; hope spring comes quickly.

  12. I really enjoy your postings of the films you've seen and your thoughts about them. And of course you know I appreciate your comments about the books you've read.
    I gave "Good Will Hunting" a five plus rating. An absolutely top-notch stunner of a film that hit me to my core.
    And "Gaslight" is phenomenal, and every five years or so, worth a re-watch.

    1. Loved, loved Gaslight!! And, yes, Good Will Hunting is such a terrific movie as well.

  13. I really enjoyed Girl on the Train--haven't watched the movie because I heard it was so-so. Did you like it?

  14. I am liking the novel The Woman in the Window -- midway into it. It is a bit similar to The Girl on the Train -- with the narrator's drinking & pill consumption. It's entertaining so far.

  15. Looks like a great month for you! So many good books AND movies! I have The Woman in the Window on audio - saving it for a road trip with my husband next month - can't wait! We both enjoyed Girl on the Train - both book & movie.

    I've been hearing about Census - it sounds intriguing.

    And Good Will Hunting is one of my favorite movies!

    Hope March is just as good for you! I am hopefully finishing up my Feb reviews this week so I can do my summary next week.


    Book By Book

  16. You had a good reading month! Totally agree with you about Three Billboards.


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