Tuesday, February 25, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Long Bright River; Liz Moore

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter 
First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers post the opening paragraph(s)
 of a book that they are reading or plan to read. Here's my pick for this week:

Long Bright River; Liz Moore
Penguin Audio - 2020

"There's a body on the Gurney Street tracks, age unclear, probable overdose, says the dispatcher.

Kacey, I think.  This is a twitch, a reflex, something sharp and subconscious that lives inside me and send the same message racing to the same base part of my brain every time a female is reported.Then the more rational part of me comes plodding along, lethargic, uninspired, a dutiful dull soldier here to remind me about odds and statistics: nine hundred overdose victims in Kensington last year.  Not one of them Kacey.  Furthermore, this sentry reproves me, you seem to have forgotten the importance of being professional.  Straighten your shoulders. Smile a little. Keep your face relaxed, your eyebrows unfurrowed, your chin untucked. Do your job."

What do you think? Read more or pass?


  1. I am definitely curious. What is the narrator's obsession with Kacey? Who is she? I would read more. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  2. Pass, too confusing. Every time a female is reported? Nothing about gender in that first sentence.

  3. I read this book last month. I liked it, and I gave it 4 stars. I hope you give it a chance.

  4. I've heard so many good things about this book, and I have a copy waiting in my reading queue. Hope you enjoy it.

  5. This keeps popping up on my radar, so I'll probably look for a copy at the library.

  6. I'd read this! Hope you enjoy it. Seen it doing its rounds so must be quite popular! Here's my Tuesday post! Hope you're having a good week!

  7. I think Kacey must be family. I would like to read this one very much.

  8. Oh, for sure...I would keep reading this one because that bit would have me solidly hooked.

  9. It's intriguing. I'd definitely want to find out who Kacey is.

  10. Yes I want to read this one! I hear it's good.


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