Thursday, April 21, 2022

Book Reviews - Kids Fight Climate Change: Act Now to be a #2minutesuperhero; Martin Dorey

 Martin Dorey  (Illustrator: Tim Wesson)
Walker Books - 2021 - Candlewick Press 2022
(ages 7-12)

This book takes a very serious subject and makes it fun for young children to learn, understand and to do some small things to help save our planet.  The book gives a brief overview of climate change and why it is so important for everyone including the very young to get involved. Children get an opportunity to become a superhero activist.

Children learn why the fight matters, they also get to learn about wind turbines, solar power, renewable versus non renewable energy, about not wasting water.  There are some 60 different types of small actions and changes to become help in a small way.  Although this book is a good introduction for young children to do their part, I thought the information provided about climate change seemed overly simplistic and incomplete - even for the targeted age group here.  The illustrations  by Tim Wesson are really fun and well done.

RATING - 4/5 stars

NOTE: This book was sent to me by the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review.


  1. It's great that this book lists small, doable actions that probably any of us could take to counteract the effects of climate change. So often the problem just seems so overwhelming that we tend to think there is nothing we can do, so why bother? We need to make the point, starting with young children, that that is just not true.

    1. Yes, my young granddaughters are concerned about the environment and are always asking questions. This is a nice book for their age group.

  2. As will many things, education is the key, starting early is good.

    1. It sure is important - along with concern for the environment, animal welfare is another biggie that needs to start early.

  3. Yes, I'd like to hope school libraries and public libraries have lots of good books on this subject for young children.

  4. This looks like a great book for kids and what a wonderful way to tackle a difficult subject.

    1. It is age appropriate and I liked that it shows kids that even doing small things helps our environment.


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