Tuesday, April 19, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Unlikely Animals; Annie Hartnett

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon. 

Unlikely Animals; Annie Hartnett
Random House Audio and Ballantine Books - 2022

Maple Street Cemetery, Everton, NH 

Years later, when people in Everton would tell the story, they would say it was Clive Starling who called the reporter, the way that man loved attention.

But we remember it the way it happened:  it was the midwife who slid down the hall to the payphone to get The Upper Valley New Hampshire News on the horn.  It was a slow news day, so the reporter have zipped right over to the hospital, and let the midwife go on and on into the tape recorder about a condition called charismata iamaton, which translates, in Greek, to "gifts of healing."  She insisted that the hands of this newborn baby, tiny hands still coated in the awful gunk of birth, had cured her sciatica.  She said most people with natural healing talents are unaware of their gifts, but this baby had the strongest natural talent she's ever seen.

BABY WITH MIRACLE HEALING POTENTIAL BORN, the next morning's headline read.  Town of Everton, N.H., REJOICES.

What do you think -- read more or pass?

I started this one last night and am am enjoying it so far.  


  1. I feel a bit iffy about this one, but if you are enjoying it, that is a good recommendation.

  2. Oh, my, intriguing! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh you know me and weirdness, I would 'definitely' carry on with this and can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!

  4. It sounds really different than what I usually read, but I'd give it a try.

  5. I would definitely read more! :D

  6. I saw this mentioned somewhere else recently and it sounded good. Got it on my TBR list and will be anxious to hear your thoughts.

  7. The plot sounds interesting but the writing didn't do it for me.

  8. Not sure on this one but I do like the writing style. I have to keep an eye out for reviews. I'm definitely curious.

  9. I'd probably pass, until I read your future review, that is.

    1. The story line won't appeal to everyone but, I like it so far.

  10. Different is the best way to describe it - in some ways fairy tale like.

  11. I think this one sounds good. I am looking forward to your review to see if it's thumbs Up.


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