Saturday, May 27, 2023

It's Been a While - A Bit of Life and Books

Hello Out There,  how are all of you doing?  Do you have any plans for Memorial Day weekend?

This weekend my son is having a cookout and the weather all weekend is supposed to be beautiful. So looking forward to getting together as 2023 hasn't been a great year for our family. Well to be perfectly honest, the past (14) months have been terrible, so blogging and reading have taken a back seat.  Without getting too specific, I'll just say there has been illness, treatments and even a death in our family.  I also lost my vision but fortunately (2) surgeries and lots of prayers has resulted in new and unbelievably improved eyesight..  It was really awful, not being able to read the iPad, computer and books. I wasn't even being able to read the license plate on the car in front of me, but now I'm safe on the road as are other drivers.  I am fortunate in many ways but, life feels different these days. 

 I haven't been reading much (just 17 books this year) but, I'm slowly getting back.  I haven't  been to yoga in months but hope to resume that in June as I wasn't supposed to do a lot of bending up till now. Thank goodness for family, friends, pets and other book lovers.

I've been sticking close to home and am grateful spring has sprung and summer will soon be here.  I've been buying lots of plants for the deck as well as indoor houseplants.  Of course, I've had to research non toxic plants as one of our two cats is a leaf lover.  I've scared him off from the hanging plants by placing a tiny wind chime in each - he hates the sound :)

I feel like I've missed out on keeping up with even the latest book releases and what has been going on in your lives but, I'm slowly trying to remedy that.  Not sure how much posting I'll be doing but, I'm trying to get back into comfortable routines.  Have you read any good books lately?

I wasn't going to make a summer reading list but, then I decided it might be good for me even if I don't complete it.  So here are the books that caught my eye:

Gull Island,  Anna Porter
Simon & Schuster 9/2023

Ballantine Books - 2022

Barbara Isn't Dying; Alina Bronsky
Europa Editions 2023

Maame, Jessica George
St. Martin's Press - 2023

In a Quiet Town, Amber Garza
mira - August 2023

Flatiron Books - 2022

Tor Nightfire - 2023

The Bird Hotel; Joyce Maynard
Arcade - May 2023

Maureen, Rachel Joyce
Dial Press - 2023

Tom Lake, Ann Patchett
Harper - August 2023

                                           Have any of my picks made you TBR list?



  1. It has been a while since we've heard from you, Diane. I've been wondering how you are doing. I'm sorry things have been rough, but I'm very glad you were able to have your vision restored, and I'm very glad to see you back to reading and posting.

    I liked How to Drown in a Glass of Water very much, and I started and bailed on The Bird Hotel, though I'm not sure why. I've added the new Ann Patchett novel to my list for summer reading.

    1. Deb, Thank you for the kind words and for still be here to read my blog. I LOVED Joyce Maynard's last book, Count the Ways, but, I do understand that sometimes we aren't in the mood for certain books all the time; hopefully, you will find the right time for it. For some reason, I thought she was writing a sequel to Count the Ways but, this one doesn't sound like it.

  2. Welcome back, Diane! You have been missed dearly, my friend. I'm so glad to hear that your vision problems were treated and that you are able to read again. As much as I love audiobooks, I can't begin to imagine life without reading "real" books. As far as all the other awfulness of the past year or so, know that I continue to send you big hugs & love. My heart hurts for you so.

    As far as good books, I highly recommend The Housekeeper and the Professor, although you've probably already read it. It's been around for a while. My review goes live in another day or two. I also loved Maame by Jessica George, Signal Fires by Dani Shapiro, and Dinosaurs by Lydia Millet. You have some good books in your reading list. I'm anxious to read the new book by Joyce Maynard, and I can not wait for Tom Lake! Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather. The drizzle has returned to our area, but we'll still fire of the grill tomorrow. Monday, we hit the road for 5+ weeks!

    1. Hi Les and thank you, I'm glad I did this post as deep down I've missed the connection with all of you. I loved The Housekeeper & the Professor but, it seems like about 10 years ago so I know I'd need a refresher. Your review will refresh my memory. I also read and enjoyed Signal Fires. Maame is on my summer list because of your post; thank you. Our weather is lovely 75-80 and sunny all weekend. I bet you are looking forward to hitting the road again. Enjoy your summer.

  3. You've been missed, Diane! I am thrilled that your health is better. That is truly wonderful news. May your summer be full of excellent books. (: I'm looking forward to Tom Lake. My favorite recent book is Sycamore by Bryn Chancellor, and also liked William Landay's All That I Carry with Me is Mine.

    1. Not sure who posted this comment as it came out "unknown" but, thank you for still reading my blog; I appreciate it. I am also happy with Ann Patchett it seems so she is high on my summer list. I forgot to add the NEW William Landay book as I have the eGalley and loved his previous book. Now I must look up Sycamore as I'm not familiar with the title or author so thanks.

  4. Glad to see your post, Diane! I'm sorry to hear about the difficult things you'd gone through and I'm glad to hear that you've regained your vision.
    I've recently finished reading The Patient's Secret by Loreth Anne White and it was a great psychological thriller! Very well written and plotted IMO. Now I just have to find the time to write the review, lol, too many library books to catch up before their due date. I hope you've a wonderful weekend! :)

    1. Library books are hard to avoid but then our shelf books get lonely LOL i'll have to check out The Patient's Secret. I like the title.

  5. I’m happy to hear of a new book by Ann Patchett!

    I hope all your troubles are at an end and you will be enjoying life and books from now on!

    best, mae at

    1. Thank you Mae! I love the way Ann Patchett writes - it should be a good one.

  6. Hi, Diane! I was so happy to see your comment today. I've missed you! I'm sorry to hear the past year has been difficult, but very glad that your eye surgeries were a great success.

    I like your summer reading hopefuls — In a Quiet Town and Gull Island sound like my kind of books for sure. I tried reading A House with Good Bones but just couldn't get into it. I had a string of DNFs not long ago, and I think the problem was me being distracted with too much going on in life.

    Enjoy your time with family this weekend!

    1. Hi Diana, I just started A House with Good Bones and it isn't going anywhere fast as of yet. I shall persist for a bit. Thank You for stopping by.

  7. Oh my goodness, Diane! I am so sorry to hear of the problems you've been dealing with but so happy to see that you are once again able to join us here on the internet. I hope you'll be able to read some or all of those books on your list. I'm looking forward to some of them myself.

    1. Dorothy, I have to look back on your blog for the last 5 months as we often read similar or the same books. I missed so much.

  8. A beautiful, beautiful post. So very happy to see you writing. I think you expressed your past months just right.
    And I, though you may not believe it, actually bought some new books from Barnes & Noble. And read two of them, so far! Abigail Thomas' latest, Still Life at Eighty. I loved it. She is so unique. And one a couple years old, but new to me - Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner. Very good, and eye opening to a culture I know little about. And then a book I have had for a while, Jan Morris' In My Mind's Eye. I loved it so much. So three books by women of different ages. I felt so lucky reading all three.

    1. Jumping in here to say I'm so happy to see that Abigail Thomas has a new book out, Nan. I wasn't aware of it, so I'm pleased that you wrote about it in your comment. I love her books!

    2. I love the title Still Life at Eighty Nan; I need to check that one out. Crying at H Mart has been on my TBR list as well. I think getting back to periodic blogging will be good for me. Thank you for your kindness my friend.

    3. I love all the kind, caring comments you have gotten.

  9. I hope you get to mark Memorial Day as a turning point toward good health. So scary to deal with the loss of sight. We just got my husband through his two cataract surgeries, but that feels like a conventional part of growing old, these days -- not nearly what you had to go through.

    1. Hello Joy, yes, cataract surgery is very common as we age and fortunately, in most cases, a very simple surgery as well. Thanks for the well wishes.

  10. I am sorry about the death in your family and that you have been dealing with your own health issues. I am so glad you are able to see again! It must have been awful and scary. I hope you enjoy your reading and have a great week.

    1. Thank you Wendy, I am looking forward to lots of armchair travel this summer now that I can read again. Have a great weekend.

  11. It's lovely to see a post from you, Diane, I have been wondering and wondering how you are. Sorry to hear things have been 'so' tough although I suspected that might be the case. Horrified to hear you even lost your sight. How terrifying for you. I'm so glad it's back better than before.

    That's a lot of good books you're thinking of reading for summer. I wish you lots of luck with that. A few of my favourite books this year: The Library - Bella Osborne, Winter in Paradise - Elin Hilderbrand, The Bangalore Detective Club - Harini Nagendra and Horse - Geraldine Brtooks. I'm not doing the summer reading challenge this year but do have a list of a few books I want to get through.

    1. I am so grateful to have my sight back and looking forward to reading more and shutting off the television:) Elin Hilderbrand has another new book this summer. I placed a hold for it at the library. Thanks for stopping by Cath.

  12. That sounds like a whole lot of not so good times but I'm really glad to hear that your vision is back to where it is workable for you. Hugs from all of us and purrs from all of the kitties too.

    1. Thank you Brian and the Gang, yes, life has not been fun but, we must keep going. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Thank you for the sweet words Vicki, it 's very much appreciated. Have a good, long weekend.

  14. 2023 has not been a great year for me and my family, but it sounds like yours has been even harder. I'm so sorry! But what a blessing that they were able to fix your sight. Hopefully more good things are on the horizon for you this summer. :D

    1. Lark, Thank you for stopping by and, please know that I am sorry things have been difficult for your family as well. Lets hope the second half of 2023 is great for both of us.


  15. Welcome back, Diane. We bloggers and readers are all here waiting to connect and read your posts again and hear you are back in time for summer and warm sunny weather.

    The years 2020-2021 and well into 2022 were hard ones for me but the sun shines again in mid- 2023. Fingers crossed things only get better from here on.

    We've missed you and glad you are reading again. You have an impressive list of books! I've been reading memoirs and novels for Asian Pacific Heritage Month in May, but will soon head back to the usual thrillers and rom coms, and some good literary books too. Right now, I'm in the middle of Drowning, a suspense novel about a plane crash that is going very well, and keeping me on my toes!

    Take care and take it easy, of course.

    1. Hi Harvee, for some reason my comment here yesterday did not post -- sorry -- that blogger ugh. Thank you for your kind comment - Asian Pacific Heritage challenge sounds different and so interesting. Crying in H Mart is one I really want to read but, I know I have others on my Kindle as well. Have a great summer.

  16. You had a great week. I am glad you enjoyed The Bird Hotel.

    1. I actually haven't read The Bird Hotel but it is on my TBR list for the summer.

  17. Sounds like it's been a rough time. Glad your eyesight is back and better than it was. Hope you enjoy the cookout and time spent with family.

  18. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry that 2023 has been hitting you guys hard. Hopefully now you are on the upswing and things will be better! And that is awesome that you can see again. That had to have been very frightening. :(

    I just read the T Kingfisher book and loved it!! I am adding Tom Lake to my list!!

    1. Glad to read that you enjoyed A House with Good Bones. It's a little slow going for me but I am curious enough to keep going at 40%.

  19. It sounds like you've had an incredibly rough year - with the restoration of your vision I hope things continue to improve. Your summer list has lots of interesting titles - the only one I read is Maame and I quite enjoyed it - a good family dynamics story. Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Hi Terrie, thank you for stopping by and, I'm glad you liked Maame - looking forward to it.

  20. Daaaang! You have been to hell and BACK!!! But you are BACK! Or getting yourself back, at least. So that's great!!! What a relief it must be to be able to see and to read again. I hope at lot of great things and fun experiences come your way now. You deserve it!

    I love your idea of putting little wind chimes in the plants to keep that one kitty out of them! Brilliant!

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Hi Jinger - oh yes, thank goodness the wind chime keeps Ricky away as I so love plants. Thanks for stopping by and for the well wishes.

  21. Welcome back, Diane! After all you've been through the past year, what a blessing that the eye surgeries were successful and you can get back to reading again. I hope that, along with periodic blogging, will be therapeutic as you approach a new normal. I always enjoy visiting here and have received so many great book recommendations from you over the years. I'm very happy to see this post!

    The only book on your list I've read is How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water. A solid 4 stars at the time, and one I still think about months later. Someone recommended I read rather than listen and that worked well for me... maybe for you, too. Maame is on my list, as are The Bird Hotel and Tom Lake. I'd love to be able to get to them all this summer.

    1. Hi JoAnn, I was wondering where I heard of How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water and now I know LOL - Glad you liked it; a very short book too. Maame, Bird Hotel and Tom Lake are high on that summer list. Thanks for stopping by and have a wondering CT summer.

  22. Jane, thank you for stopping by and for the sweet comments. Hope you have a great summer. It officially starts this weekend for me:)

  23. It's wonderful to see you back again! You've been missed. I'm so very sorry for all you've been going through. I hope you are on the road to recovery! That's a great list of books you've put together. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Yvonne, and I have realized how much I've missed the blogging world. Thanks for sticking around.

  24. Happy Memorial Day!
    I’m sorry to hear things have been difficult of late. I’m glad you have returned.
    Your summer reading picks look fab - enjoy!

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

    1. Shellyrae, thank you for stopping by and wishing me well. I hope you have a great summer.

  25. Katherine, thank you for your heartfelt comment, it means a lot. I have missed the interaction with other book lovers and, I am happy to be back. Have a wonderful summer.

  26. I know we've emailed a bit, but I am so glad to see you back on the blog and in the blogging world! I hope treatments for you and your family are done and went well, and eye surgery is scary, but how wonderful that it worked and you can see even better now! Losing your sight must have been terrifying. I do hope you all are coming out of the bad string of health issues/death that you have experienced over the past 14 months. May the second half of 2023 steadily improve. Sending hugs!

  27. So happy to see an update from you, Diane. You have definitely been missed. I'm so sorry about all many things you've had to deal with in the last year. Life certainly does throw some difficulties in our path at times. I have been thinking about you and will continue to think about you and wish you comfort and peace and good reading. Take care, friend, and big hugs sent your way from me.

    1. Kay, Thank you for the kind comment and happy some of my longtime readers are still here for me - it means a lot. Hope things are progressing in your new home.

  28. Wonderful to have you back on the blog, Diane. And I'm so sorry about the terrible 14 months. It's just sad & daunting to think of it all. I wish for you comfort and books and the things you like. I'm so pleased your vision has returned.

    1. Susan, yes, the whole vision loss was rather traumatic but, I got a great report yesterday and don't even need any glasses now. Miracles do happen:)

  29. I’m so glad to see that you are feeling better and are back to reading and blogging, Diane. And I love the quote you included in this post!

    1. Thanks Robin, I am not great about regular reading and/or blogging. I think we both realie we have to play our days one step at a time and do what feels right based on that.

  30. Diane I'm so sorry to hear about the challenging times you've had. I hope things start to get better and certainly so glad to see a post from you! That's wonderful that your treatment has been successful and here's to many better days ahead!

    1. Thank you Iliana, I am grateful for new and improved near perfect vision.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.