Sunday, June 4, 2023

Weekly Update - What I'm Reading


Well, I hoped to get a post in during the week but it just never happened.  The week flew by and it was a good kind of busy.  Monday was a family get together at my son and DIL's house in the country. Plenty of good food and laughs and the weather was perfect.  Everyone had a great time and it was nice to see how the (3) cousins, now 8,9 and 11 amused themselves.  I also got together with (2) friends during the week which was so nice as well.  

I did manage to finish (2) books:

Tor Nightfire - 2023 (library download)
(Summer Reading List)

3.5/5 stars

Gone Tonight; Sarah Pekkanen
Macmillan Audio - 2023 (NetGalley)

4.5/5 stars

What I'm Reading Now

( a memoir)
Simon & Schuster - 2016 (library)

Flatiron Books - 2022 (library)

Plans for the Week
  • Since I haven't reviewed ANY of the books I've read in 2023, my goal for this week is to post mini reviews for at least (5) of the 19 books I've read so far this year.
  • Lunch with a few of my bookish friends on Wednesday
  • Final eye checkin on Thursday
  • Lunch with my SIL on Friday
How was your week?


  1. Sounds like a busy week for you. I only finished two books also. Hope this is a good week for you.

  2. I did some birdwatching with my sister and nephew this week and worked in the yard. We've been having some very nice weather which is nice. I'm behind on reviews, too. Good luck with yours!

  3. I'm glad to hear that you had a busy/good week and happy reading!

  4. What Comes Next and How to Like It sounds good; I like the whole premise of that one after taking a look at it via your link, and it's on hold as of now. Top of the list, so I'm looking forward to getting it in just a few days. Thanks for the tip.

  5. You have been busy, but it definitely sounds like a good busy! What Comes Next and How to Like It sounds like a good one (and the audio is available on hoopla) and I really enjoyed How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water, too. The main character kept growing on me the more I read of it. Your reviews will be welcome whenever you can get to them. Enjoy your week, Diane.

  6. Have a fun time writing all those reviews. I have to refresh my memory of books I've read earlier by looking at the goodreads summary! So I try to write the reviews soon after I finish the books. Strange how one can enjoy a book and then just plain forget it later. Have a good week.

  7. What Comes Next and How to Like It sounds intriguing. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    It will be fun to catch up on all those reviews. Sometimes I enjoy reading little short reviews as much as I do long, thorough ones.

    Enjoy your time with your bookish friends.

  8. I like the idea of mini-reviews and look forward to seeing what you've been reading! I hope the eye exam goes well.

  9. Family get-togethers are huge fun, we had one for my birthday and even my grown-up gand-daughter made it (bringing home-made fudge!) I think the older we get the more we appreciate these gatherings.

    Nothing wrong with mini-reviews, it's just not always possible to review everything and really we're doing this for free, for the love of books, so there's no obligation. It's just nice to see you back, Diane.

  10. Yay! So glad you are out & about with friends again. I'll have to see what that memoir is about -- the cover is fetching. Happy week Diane.

  11. Good busy is the best! I feel like my reviews in general have gotten shorter. I just want to throw out a few thoughts and move on to the next book. Have to say I love the title of "What Comes Next and How to Like it." I'm there or close, I think? In the next two years both of my kids will be adults, and then...? I know they'll still need me, but it will be different! Enjoy your week, Diane!

  12. Those are the best kinds of weeks. :)

  13. Looking forward to those mini reviews!

  14. Looking forward to your reviews--I have How Not to Drown on hold at the library as I have heard good things about it. Getting together with friends and family is always good--enjoy your week.

  15. Hope your week is going great! I like the idea of mini reviews. I still have reviews from last year that I still need to catch up on! Have fun with your family and friends.

  16. I've read What Comes Next and How to Like It, and bought a copy to give to my aunt after her husband passed away. I have also read A Three Dog Life, which was also very good. I'm planning to read Still Life at Eighty, even though that decade is a little ways off for me. :)

    I haven't been reading very much since the beginning of our road trip, but I knew I wouldn't. We're having such a great time and the weather couldn't be better. The mountains are gorgeous against the bluebird sky. I'm loving Canada!

    Enjoy your time with your friends & family. Good luck with your upcoming eye appt!

  17. I am so glad you had a good week, Diane. The get together with family sounds really nice! I hope you enjoy your reading and good luck with the eye doctor this week!

  18. Sounds like a fun week! I have both of the books you read on my TBR. I haven't come across of either of the books that you've got coming up this week so I'm looking forward to seeing what you think!

  19. Reading the new Ann Patchett. About 70 pages in and don't love it yet. Will be interested to read you review!

  20. I will be looking for Gone Tonight as you gave it 4.5 stars! Keep on trekking!

    Harvee at

  21. Hi, Diane! Just checking in. I hope you're doing well and enjoyed your summer.


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