Tuesday, September 28, 2021

An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed; Helene Tursten - First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

Soho Press - 10/4/2021

Maud let out a loud sigh of relief as she sank into her comfortable seat on the plane.  She surprised herself, because she rarely showed her feelings. She stole a glance at the passenger next to her, a young man in a suit who was busy trying to stuff his elegant black carryon into the overhead bin.  Despite his best efforts, he couldn't manage to close the door. Good. He probably hadn't heard her little burst of emotion, which had come straight from the heart. The last few months had been extremely taxing but she felt as if the worst was over.  At long last she could relax and look forward to a wonderful trip to South Africa.

I really enjoyed the last short mystery book I read by this Swedish author in 2018: An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good so I'm looking forward to getting started on this book as well.

What do you think about the intro? 

Helene Tursten was a nurse and a dentist before she turned to writing. Other books in the Irene Huss series include 
Detective Inspector HussThe TorsoThe Glass DevilNight Rounds, and The Golden Calf. She was born in Göteborg, Sweden, where she now lives with her husband and daughter.


  1. Given your experience with the previous book it would be hard to resist this new one. The cover is inviting and the title made me laugh.

  2. I think I read your review of An Elderly Is Up to No Good, and yet, I didn't follow up on it. Maybe this reminder will get me there! I want to read them both. :)

    1. Jen, I've now finished it (no review yet) and it was good but I liked the first book more.

  3. Wow, what a fascinating opener! Now I definitely want to read more. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Very fun I think you would like both of the books - a feisty, get-even type elderly lady.

  4. i love the title to this one!

    Here is my teaser tuesday post:

  5. I don't recall having heard of this author before but her series certainly sounds interesting. Anything featuring a boss "elderly lady" has an appeal for me these days!

    1. Both of her books are good but, The first one I liked a bit better.

  6. That title totally made me laugh!

  7. I just got my hands on a library copy of "An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good," and I've thumbed through the stories to get a feel for the book and the author. Looking forward to it.

    1. I finished the second book (no review yet) and it was good but I liked the first a bit better.

  8. I've heard good things about An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good and I love the concept. I like the first paragraph of this one and will be curious to see how it compares to the first book.

    1. Katherine,
      I've now finished it (no review yet) and it was good but I liked the first book more.

  9. Everything about this appeals to me! The title, the cover and the intro. Don't know the author, I'll have to take a closer look.

  10. There are quite a few Swedish authors I enjoy reading but I need to check out Helene Tursten. I think I may have started one of her books once but it's been years ago. I'd give this one a chance for sure!

  11. I am thrilled to hear that this follow-up book to An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good is coming out soon. I will get a copy as soon as I can.

    1. Tracy, I've now finished it (no review yet) and it was good but I liked the first book more but #2 was fun as well.

  12. The audio version is pretty good as well Vicki and rather short too.


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