Monday, September 13, 2021

Book Review - The Stowaway; James Murray and Darren Wearmouth


The Stowaway; James Murray and Darren Wearmouth

Macmillan Audio - September 2021

Maria Fontana is a Professor of Psychology at Columbia University and single mother to younger twins, she's in a committed relationship with Steve.  Two years early Maria sat on a jury where Wyatt Butler, was on trial for several murders. At the time Butler was portrayed as a brutal, ritualist serial killer.  The evidence however for the most part was circumstantial.  While eleven jurors voted for him to be convicted, one in good conscience could not convict him -- that juror was Maria and as a result Wyatt Butler was set free.  Soon a media circus ensued as well as outraged family members of the victims. It wasn't long before the public knew that Maria was the lone hold out juror.  Maria's  life became a living nightmare and the university made her take a force sabbatical.  

Eventually to get away from her nightmare Maria decides that she, Steven and the children need a family vacation and book a two-week transatlantic cruise.  Just as the family begins to think of having some much deserved fun and relaxation, people begin to go missing onboard and it soon becomes evident that there is a killer on the ship.  When details of the killings are leaked Maria soon realizes that the details of the killings on the ship are eerily similar to evidence shared at the trial of Wyatt Butler.  Is there a copycat on board?  

I couldn't recall reading a book that for the most part takes places on a transatlantic cruise ship but the setting was perfect and, because of the ship's size there were plenty of places for the cat and mouse game of a serial killer.  There wasn't much character development in this book but, it certainly was intense. This was a very addictive story but not a book for all readers as the serial killer targets mostly children and the details are quite specific.  If you're the type of reader who say keep telling yourself "it's not real, it's fiction," we found it to be a riveting thriller. We listened to the audio version in 2-days flat and we were satisfied with the way the story played out.

The audio book was read by Barrie Kreinik who did a fantastic job ramping up the thrills and chills. Thanks go to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for allowing me access to this audio book in exchange for my unbiased review.


  1. Being trapped on a ship like that with a killer would be very scary.

    1. Can you imagine going on a 2-week cruise and have the ship be in lockdown after a day?

    2. Just the thought of it makes me shudder.

    3. I know the subject matter is a bit unnerving.

  2. It does sound interesting but not sure I'm up for a story about a serial killer of children at the moment.

    1. I know it is sick for sure as are all serial killer stories but, quite addictive as well.

  3. I don't think I would have thought about this one much but your review makes me want to check it out. It does sound like a great thriller!

  4. It is an addictive read for sure if you aren't turned off by the subject matter.

  5. I'm not anyone who has ever been interested in the "vacation" kind of cruise, but transatlantic trips fascinate me.

    1. Me either - I always said I would never want to go on any type of cruise.

  6. I like the idea of capturing all the characters on a cruise ship with nowhere to go while a serial killer is doing his thing. This sounds like a good read.

    1. The premise with the cruise ship was certainly good - no where to run so to speak.

  7. Barrie is a fantastic audio reader ... ever since she read for Migrations - I was blown away by her narration. So I should check this out.

    1. Oh yes, she is a favorite and also recently narrated We Are the Brennans.

  8. I made a note about this one when you emailed me about it. It sounds really good.

    1. You would like it I'm pretty sure. The audio is wonderfully creepy.


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