Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday Salon - Playing Catch-up

Thank You Deb@ Reader Buzz

How was your week everyone?  It's been (2) weeks since I did a weekly update but we've been busier than normal these last few weeks. Last week we did a few fun things. We used to be season subscribers to a local playhouse but when COVID hit the theatre closed and there were (2) shows that we missed out on.  When they reopened last month, they began with one of the shows that we missed. The show we ended up seeing was a baseball theme play which was very good.  The theatre requested that masks be worn, which was a relief but, of course there were a few rebels in the rather crowded theater. Despite this it worked out for us and we had a good time with really great seats as well.

The day after we had the whole family (kids and grandkids) over for pizza and salad and it was delightful having everyone together for a few hours. 

This past week another busier one with yoga, a visit to a butterfly conservatory and extra time with two of the granddaughters as mom had to return to school a day earlier than the girls.  I wasn't sure what to expect from the butterfly place but, I loved it as did the kids - just so may different varieties of butterflies in a tropical environment.  Here's a few pics:


This week will be less hectic so more reading should be possible.  I finished The Long Call; Ann Cleeves (book 1 of a newer mystery series). I really enjoyed it and hope to get to review it a day or so.  Book 2 of the series releases this month: The Heron's Cry; I'll be reading that one for RIP XVI as well.  Right now for RIP I'm finishing Billy Summers by Stephen King and have about 10% left.  It took about 40% to hook me but, then it became addictive. This one is not a horror story at all.  

20 Books of Summer

Although I didn't read (20) books from my summer list. I did have fun and read (14) plus one DNF that wasn't working for me.  Here is my completed 20 Books of Summer summary.

Book Group Discussion

A few of us met for lunch before our book group meeting last month and that was a nice treat to get to talk to other members about things other than books. We then headed over to the library to discuss American Dirt  which I read in 2019.  There were about 10 of us for the discussion and everyone was happy that they read the book and it made for a good discussion as well. We also talked about the huge controversy about the author and publisher push of this book which we all felt was blown out of proportion for the most part.

This Weeks Plans

Dental check up/cleaning, yoga, return some unread books to the library, and pick up a few more. I also hope to start: The Guide; Peter Heller and possibly begin: Should We Stay or Should We Go; Lionel Shriver or Stolen Hours; Allen Eskens this week.

Hope you all have a great weekend -- (3) day for some here in the US.


  1. Sounds like a good week!

    best... mae at

  2. It feels good to be doing fun things again, doesn't it? We're doing all we feel comfortable with in CT and NY, but know things will change dramatically when we get back to FL. I'm still not sure whether our library book group will resume next month. I hope they do, with masks required and social distancing. I haven't been to an in-person book club since Feb. 2020. Have a good week!

    1. Our library book group has been meeting in person since May, a few times outdoor and the last 2 months indoors with masks. We are hoping to head to VT later in the month, a state that definitely feels safer than most.

  3. Sounds like you had a busy few weeks! How fun to be able to see a play again. The butterfly pictures are wonderful!

    Hope you have a good week and gets lots of reading done!

  4. It sounds like you've had a fun few weeks. I'll bet it was enjoyable to go to the baseball themed play. (I would have had a hard time not giving the stink eye to the anti-maskers, though!) I'm glad you also got time to spend with the whole family. Darling pictures of your granddaughters at the butterfly conservatory. I used to take my granddaughter and nieces to the one we had in Nebraska and it was always so much fun to see the variety of butterflies.

    I'm glad to hear that Billy Summers is not a horror story. Now I can add it to my list. :)

    My book group also had a good discussion about American Dirt when we read it last year. This month we're reading Radium Girls. I'm not going to be here for the meeting, so I'll save it for Nonfiction November.

    How often do you do yoga? I'm thinking about getting back into it when the rainy season arrives.

    Enjoy your weekend, Diane!

    1. Hey Les, yes, the last few weeks have been fun. I try to go to yoga 3x a week, it's great as we only pay $6.00 per visit and the session is 1 hr 20 min and 10 min wind down. You only pay for when you go and it's close to home as well. Billy Summers gave me a lot to think about. King's writing is wonderful. The first 40% moved slow for me as it built up the story but then wow! Our theatre group now changed to masks require PLUS proof of vaccination same as NYC playhouses - which is great! Although we did not do season subscriber this year just a December show and one next May as we were not sure what changes this virus might bring.

  5. Oh, how beautiful and various are the butterflies!

    1. It was a treat for kids and adults alike. Although my husband was always touching his hair LOL - he was not as thrilled.

  6. I am glad you were able to go to the theater again, Diane. And what a nice get together with your family! The butterfly conservatory sounds amazing. Even thought you didn't get in all 20 of your summer reading list books, fourteen is awesome.

    I am glad you had such a great discussion of American Dirt in your book group.

    I hope you have have a great week.

  7. Time with family is always a good thing and I am glad you got extra grandchildren time. Book group in person (with lunch!) definitely feeds the soul as well.

    I love going to our butterfly exhibit at our local natural history museum. It's such a calm and quiet experience that it relaxes me.

    1. The butterfly conservatory was a pleasant surprise - very calming indeed.

  8. Lovely photos, Diane. So pleased you're getting back to normal but I agree, it's scary. My week was busy, I'm still chasing my tail a bit, but the schools go back here this week so things should calm down a bit as family go back to work and school.

    Well done on your 14 books for the 20 books challenge, I'll go and see what you read in a minute.

    1. Cath, I know what you mean. when we are not used to be busy 24/7, it's a bit tiring LOL

  9. I'm glad you got to see a good play. Our Peace Center cancelled all of their Broadway Shows but are back open again too, we're hoping to catch a show soon. Such nice photos!

    1. Thanks Brian, yes it's nice to see some normal fun things returning/reopening.

  10. That's nice that you were able to see one of the plays after all! I don't get the rebels either. It's just a cloth mask, and temporary. You'd think it was the end of the world or something.

    Well, maybe that wasn't the best choice of phrase lol. But anyway... :)

    Curious about Ann Cleeves since I liked the Shetland series.

    1. Ann Cleeves is a rather new author for me but, I do like the way she writes her mysteries.

  11. Really cute grandkids. You had a good summer reading ... and read a lot on your list. Congrats.

  12. Sounds like a "normal" well balanced week. Enjoy this one as well.

    1. It felt good to do more varied things. Hope you have a good week as well.

  13. Great pictures of your granddaughters and how fun to get to see all the butterflies! I read The Long Call with my mystery book group last year and really liked it. Looking forward to the second book in the series. Plus, it's being made into a TV adaptation or so Ann Cleeves has shared. Enjoy your week, Diane!

    1. Hi Kay, yes, The Long Call was a nice start to a new series (review soon.)

  14. I've just started The Long Call (three chapters in), so I'm happy to see that you enjoyed it. It's my first experience with an author that everyone seems to love, and so far I'm favorably impressed.

    As for American Dirt, I've come to believe that Cummins really got a raw deal with all the negative publicity about her supposed "cultural appropriation." I enjoyed the book as the thriller it was meant to be, and didn't find anything jarringly wrong anywhere in it. I think her critics were after their own 15 minutes of fame more than anything else...but that's just me. I'm sick of all this cancel culture baloney.

    1. Oh good Sam. Hope to get my review for Long Call written today or tomorrow. I have book 2, Heron's Cry which just released as well. Yes, I agree, there was too much, for no reason, controversy about American Dirt.

  15. Love the photos of the girls and the butterflies! That's great that you were able to go to the theater and enjoy a production. I miss doing stuff like that. Glad to hear American Dirt proved to be a great selection for your book group. I haven't read it but I still would like to. Hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. Yes, it was a great week all around and American Dirt is a very good discussion choice.

  16. Thanks for these gorgeous butterfly pictures! And good luck for your busy upcoming week. My Sunday Post is here

  17. I've never heard of a butterfly conservatory, but it sounds like a place I must visit. Your granddaughters are adorable!

    And going to a play? And a return to yoga? That sounds wonderful. But I don't see that happening for me around here. No one has taken masking or social distancing seriously around here. Very sad.

    I'm envious of you and of the caution of those around you.

    1. Hi Deb, I know you would love the butterfly conservatory. I bet the tropical feel would even be nicer in winter:) Yes, our state is luckier than many with about 75% vaccinated or at least 1 vaccine dose. We are still somewhat cautious, it depends on the place and whether masks are required or requested. Although I went in a small boutique yesterday and it stated "masks required."

  18. Sounds like a great week for you - so much fun time and family time. Love those pictures. I always think of joining the RIP event but never end up doing it. Either the time is not right or the books are not right. Oh well, maybe another time. Enjoy your week!

  19. Sounds like you had a wonderful week! Our local theater here has several great sounding shows coming up in December and then another in the spring and I'm hoping that things are safe enough to stay open because it would be such fun to go. The butterflies are beautiful! I love butterfly garden. My daughter was the butterfly whisperer somehow. She would always have several land on her. Hope you are having a wonderful week!


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