Tuesday, September 21, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Oh William! ; Elizabeth Strout


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

Oh William!; Elizabeth Strout

Random House - October 2021

I would like to say a few things about my first husband, William. William has lately been through some very sad events--many of us have--but I would like to mention them, it feels almost a compulsion; he is seventy-one years old now.

My second husband, David, died last year, and in my grief for him I have felt grief for William as well. Grief is such a--oh, it is such a solitary thing; this is the terror of it, I think.  It is like sliding down a really long glass building while nobody sees you.  But it is William I want to speak of here.

Elizabeth Strout is a favorite author after Olive Kitteridge and Olive, Again. I hope this is another winner.  What did you think of the excepts I've shared?


  1. An excerpt that drew me right in! I'm looking forward to reading this one, Diane.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm about 20% in and I don't think Strout fans will be disappointed but, readers who haven't read or clicked with her style may not be in love with the story telling style.

  3. I might like to find out more about David and William.

  4. Now I am definitely intrigued! I need to read more from this author, and this one sounds good.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I am def going to have to check this out, I have never heard of it I don't think

    Here is my teaser:

    1. She's a good author. I think I've read all but one of her books and I need to remedy that.

  6. I am always up for Elizabeth Strout and this one is on my list.

  7. I never read this author, but this sounds really good. I'll have to try her.

  8. I read this one a while back, and I really liked it. Elizabeth Strout is one of my favorite writers anyway, and this is one of my favorites of hers.

    1. Oh, I don't remember your review. What month did you read it?

  9. I haven't read this author's work yet but I am drawn in by this passionate passage.

    1. She has a wonderful writing style. I highly recommend her books.

  10. I'm drawn in by the narrator's statements and want to hear more!

    1. Yes, it makes you curious about her relationship with her ex.

  11. Olive Kitteridge was such an excellent read. I still need to read Olive, Again so before I get to this one, I would have to read that one first. But yes, it is going on my list!

    1. I loved Olive, Again (especially on audio) even more than Olive Kitteridge. This one is very good so far.

  12. I really enjoyed another book by Strout that I read and I like the beginning of this one. I'm definitely curious to hear more of the story.

  13. That excerpt is great. I’m really looking forward to this one!

  14. What a great intro! I can't wait to read this one.

    1. It's very good just reading a bit each day as it isn't all that long and I don't want to rush it.

  15. I love Strout's books (the Olive novels particularly) .... so I'm all a Go for her new one.

    1. Me too! This isn't a very long book but, I am only reading a little each day to really absorb it and make it last - it's quite good.


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