Thursday, September 16, 2021

Book Review - The Heron's Cry; Ann Cleeves

The Heron's Cry; Ann Cleeves

Macmillan Audio - 2021

In Book #2 of the Two River series, Detective Inspector Matthew Venn returns to the North Devon coast to investigate a murder that took place at at an artist's studio.  Dr. Nigel Yeo is the victim and he was stabbed in the neck with a jagged shard of blown glass from his own daughter Eve's workshop and art studio.

The previous evening the deceased approached Matthew's homicide partner Jen Rafferty telling her there was something he wanted to discuss with her in private but, Jen had a little too much to drink so she gave him her number and asked if they could talk in the morning.  When her phone wakes her the next morning,  it is Matthew giving her the bad news and asking her to meet him.  Apparently, the late doctor was a patient advocate who had concerns regarding some suicides of patients with mental health issues. He was planning on voicing his concerns about the NHS and the way certain groups of patients were being handled.  When a second person is murdered under similar circumstances, the reason for the murders as well as the suspect pool widens.

Less than a month ago I read, The Long Call (Book 1 of this series) and I was quite impressed. In this sequel we see further development of each of the returning characters both professional as well as Matthew's marriage  and relationship with his husband Jonathan. I loved seeing how Jonathan is trying very hard to have Matthew rebuild his estranged relationship with his mother. I love the character driven style of this author and also the unique way in which her crime procedurals and investigations proceed.  There are lots of details and clues to take in and quite a few characters as well.  This was a very good sequel.  Someone mentioned that the Two River series will become a 4-part series for television.

Thanks go to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for allowing me to download this audiobook in exchange for my unbiased review. The audio was narrated by Jack Holden who did a very good job.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars


  1. I've not read anything by this author. This sounds like a good series to follow.

    1. I want to read more by the author. I'm pretty sure you will enjoy her books.

  2. I have The Long Call in my reading queue and I'm thinking I may read it next. I loved Cleeves' Vera series. I love the way she develops her mysteries and the strong characterizations. It sound like this series is a worthy successor.

    1. Winter is the perfect time for these kinds of books IMO. Hope you will enjoy them.

  3. I need to start reading this series, as I said in your 'The Long Call' post. Maybe when things get quieter for the winter I can see if the library has that first book. I'm sure it will have, this being a series set locally, and Anne Cleeves being a nationally famous crime writer (maybe even 'internationally'?)

    1. I'm sure your libraries will have them. I bet knowing the area they take place in you will really enjoy them.

  4. I still haven't read anything by Anne Cleeves and I cannot give you a clear or valid reason for that! Her books are right up my alley. Gosh, I do need to try one. Which one would you recommend I start with?

    Have a good weekend!

    Elza Reads

    1. I'm new to her as well but, I'm sure I will be reading more of her books.

  5. How cool that someone bought the TV rights.

  6. OK, I'm convinced to start listening to this new series. I haven't read anything by Anne Cleeves, but this sounds great. Thanks!

    1. Both books were very good and I think I even liked #2 more. Her Vera Stanhope series is supposed to be awesome. I actually started with the most recent of that series which really worked fine for me and I loved that one as well. My review (in case you are curious): . Cleeves is just a wonderful writer!

  7. I'm reading an e-book copy of the Long Call right now, and should finish it up sometime this afternoon. I've enjoyed the book a lot, especially now that I've gotten to know better some of the characters I'm assuming will be returning. It's my first experience with Cleeves, and I'm already looking forward to this second book.

    1. Sam, Glad you enjoyed The Long Call so much, I liked it a lot but, I even liked #2-Heron's Cry more as we get to know the characters even better.

  8. Vicki - Her Vera Stanhope series is supposed to be awesome. I actually started with the most recent of that series which really worked fine for me and I loved that one as well. My review (in case you are curious): . Cleeves is just a wonderful writer!

  9. It speaks well of a series that you have read two of them within a month. I will definitely add these to my TBR list.

  10. I added The Long Call to my list after reading your review. This sounds like another winner!

  11. So glad to hear what you thought about The Long Call. I'm on the hold list at the library - think I'm #2 now. I loved the previous book in the series and look forward to seeing how the TV adaptation goes. I'm a big, big fan of Ann Cleeves. Have loved her Vera series in both print and TV.

  12. Hi Diane,
    I'm so looking forward to reading this one. I bought the hardcover, as I have of other of Ann Cleeves's books, and they don't go into the "book sale" pile either. So glad you enjoyed it.

  13. I really enjoyed the first book in the series and am so glad to see there's a 2nd book. This sounds really interesting.

  14. Intriguing--I like the setting and the characters seem like they'll have legs.
    Will put The Long Call on my reading list.

  15. Okay I don't know Ann Cleeves ... so it seems I should get on the stick about her.

  16. I did read The Long Call and thought it was excellent so I'm looking forward to this one. So glad you found to be an excellent sequel. I also didn't know that there's a tv series coming up. So exciting!


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