Sunday, May 16, 2021

20 Books of Summer - 2021

Goal 20 Books - Read to Date - (14) (1-DNF)

Every summer I usually come up with an informal list of 10 books that I want to read between Memorial Day and Labor Day. This year I've been noticing a more official summer type challenge hosted by Cathy@ 746BooksThe dates of the event are June 1 - September 1 and I've decided to pick a combination of books from my bookcase, audio downloads and eGalley/eBooks.  Interested in joining the summer challenge? Have you read any of the ones from my list?

You can click on the links to find out  a little info about each of the books I've added to my list:

  1. Malibu Rising; Taylor Jenkins Reid - 4/5 stars
  2. Belonging; Nancy Thayer
  3. Six Weeks to Live; Catherine McKenzie  4/5 stars
  4. The Summer of Lost and Found; Mary Alice Monroe
  5. Northern Spy; Flynn Berry 4/5 stars
  6. Blush; Jamie Brenner - 3/5 stars
  7. Family Reunion; Nancy Thayer  - 5/5 stars
  8. Oh, William!; Elizabeth Strout
  9. Heaven; Mieko Kawakami  4/5 stars
  10. The Maiden; Alex Michaelides 4/5 stars
  11. Mirrorland; Carole Johnstone
  12. Model Home; Eric Puchner
  13. Sooley; John Grisham - 4.5/5
  14. The Hypnotist's Love Story; Liane Moriarty
  15. The Newcomer; Mary Kay Andrews - 4/5 stars
  16. The Scenic Route; Binnie Kirshenbaum    - DNF
  17. When the Stars Go Dark; Paula Mclain - 3.5/5 stars
  18. Swimming Back to Trout River; Linda Rui Feng - 4.5/5 stars
  19. Three Martini Afternoons at the Ritz; Gail Crowther - 4/5 stars
  20. Vineyard Crossing; Jean Stone
Possible Alternates
  1. The Language of Hoofbeats; Catherine Ryan Hyde
  2. Mom Genes: Inside the New Science of Our Ancient Maternal Instincts;Abigail Tucker
  3. That Summer; Jennifer Weiner   2.5/5 stars
  4. The Photographer; Mary Dixie Carter - 3.5/5 stars
  5. The Pursuit of Alice Thrift; Elinor Lipman


  1. Looks like a great list. I've got Northern Spy on my TBR shelf and now wish I'd put it on my books of summer list. Of course, what bad thing happens if I exchange a book or two? No bad thing! :-)

    1. I actually have the audio of Northern Spy but, I'm waiting until my turn comes for the print edition to possibly do a combo read/listen.

  2. I'd like to read more Taylor Jenkins- Reid.

  3. Thanks for the list which will make everyone envious!

    1. I do like seeing all the lists - just what we all need more ideas of books we want to read LOL

  4. Oddly, I haven't read or even heard of any of your books. I followed a few links and several really appeal to me, Family Reunion especially. I seem to be getting more into these contemporary, family books with some history thrown in, not sure why that's happening! A little bit tempted by this challenge, I'll think about it.

    1. I hope to catch up on a few Nancy Thayer books that I've missed over the years.

  5. That is a nice selection. That would keep me busy for two years!

  6. Malibu Rising was great (I finished it last week) but the others look great too. I am far too much of a mood reader to make long TBR's, I have my list of ARC's to read and that is enough for me.
    Charlotte Burt's Books

    1. I'm a mood reader as well so that's why I picked a variety of contemporary, mystery and thrillers and possibly NF.

  7. What a great list. I would love to read Malibu Rising, When the Stars Go Dark, Swimming Back to Trout River, and Three Martini Afternoons at the Ritz. I will write these down on my tentative TBR. I'm eager to hear what you think of these, Diane.

    1. Deb, Those 4 are some of the ones that I'm most looking forward to.

  8. You've got some interesting titles there. I'm looking to add some "beach reads" to my summer reading. Jennifer Weiner is always my go-to for that but maybe I'll branch out and some some from your list.

    1. Mary Kay Andrews, Nancy Thayer and Jeniffer Weiner are good for nice summer reads.

  9. I love the idea that this challenge is going to help you get through the TBRs that are already on your shelves or e-readers. Reading from my own library is always one of the unofficial goals I have going into the year year...and it's one I always disappoint myself with. Here we are in the middle of the fifth month of the year already, and I've read a grand total of six books from my own shelves.

    I'm surprised to see that I haven't read any of the books on your list, but you've included some authors, like Strout and Thayer, that I'm familiar with. Good luck on the challenge.

    1. Thanks Sam. Now that our library is open and not doing curbside pickup it's less incentive for me for some reason. I do download library books frequently (eBooks and eAudios).

  10. I loved Swimming Back to Trout River! Several others look interesting. Darn, so many books to choose from!

  11. I keep hearing about this reading project and I'm getting tempted to join. My problem is sticking with a book list! There are several books you've chosen that I want to read too. I hope you have fun and looking forward to reading your reviews!

    1. Iliana, I tried to have a variety as I am definitely a mood reader.

  12. This sounds like fun!! I'll make a note and look into it. You have a nice, diverse set of books here. I'm sure it's going to bring you lots of joy.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, hope you will have a good week ahead!

    1. Yes, I need to have a variety to fit my particular mood LOL.

  13. Happy Reading! I've been trying to decide which books I want to read this summer, too, but I haven't quite whittled my huge TBR list down to my top twenty choices yet. :)

    1. You still have several weeks to decide, in case you choose to participate.

  14. This is a great list, Diane. I haven't read any of them, but hope to get to Malibu Rising this summer. Good luck!

    1. I always have fun making the list and who really cares if it doesn't go exactly as planned? LOL

  15. You've picked some interesting books, Diane! I'm anxious to read When the Stars Go Dark and Swimming Back to Trout River. Have fun!

  16. Looks like a great list. From your list, I want to read: Paula McLain's ... as well as Northern Spy .... and possibly Malibu Rising ... We better getting cracking ... enjoy.

    1. Susan, it seems those (2) books are very popular among our reading crowd this year. I am listening to The Plot which you had on your blog and it was slow going but, now very very interesting.

  17. I've only read The Hypnotist's Love Story otherwise, none of the books you have is familiar to me. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on these, tho.

    Good luck!

  18. I've not read any of these but I am intrigued by Mirrorland.

  19. That list will keep you busy. The only one I’ve read is The Hypnotists Love Story which I thought was good but not great.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thanks so much. I hope Hypnotist's Love Story works for me, it sounds good.

  20. I haven't read any of these, Diane, but Model Home looks really intriguing!

  21. These books are new to me, Diane. I really like your idea of having a Possible Alternates list. I may have to do that. I am having a hard time cutting back my list.

  22. What a fun idea! I am terrible about following lists and so am not sure I could even attempt this, but as a list maker--it's tempting. Haha. I recently read Swimming Back to Trout River and liked it. I hope you will too. I hope you enjoy all of these!

  23. You did great!
    I had fun with it too, even though I read a lot of books that were not on my original list, lol:


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