Friday, May 28, 2021

Book Review - The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye; Jane Yolen (Illustrated by: Jim LaMarche


The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye; Jane Yolen (Illustrated by: Jim LaMarche
Random House - 2011

Tiger Rose is an older cat who has lived a good life as an indoor/outdoor cat living in the country. Recently, she just isn't the same, she has grown tired, her legs hurt, her memory isn't very good and she no longer has an appetite. Her humans have been kind to her: a mom and dad and young boy and girl.  On her last day on earth Tiger Rose meows goodbye to her human family as they leave for work and school and, ventures outdoors to say goodbye to her outdoor critter friends she has enjoyed over the years. After she has seen those who have brought her the most happiness she curls up near her favorite rose bushes and bathes herself and she drifts off for one last sleep leaving her tired body behind. It was a good life for Tiger Rose.

This was a beautiful story and non-religious as well. It's very well done but, one suited more toward and indoor/outdoor cat family. The illustrations felt peaceful, gentle and appropriate as well.

Of course, I am tearing up a bit typing this review (I actually reviewed this one in 2012 as well). I purchased this book several years ago in preparation for when my granddaughters may first experience the death of one of their cats.  It appears that day may soon be here with one of the cats being very ill. 

                                                      (purrs for this beautiful 9 year old boy)


  1. OMG. How cute is your kitty?!

    1. That is my son's cat that is sick. We lost all of our senior cats and now have (2)-3 year old cats.

  2. I teared up just reading your review. I've been through that experience with so many cats over the years. Now we are living with two ten-year-olds who some days show their age but most days act like kittens.

    1. :( I know Dorothy us too. Most of ours lived to about 14, one to 18 so I was surprised to hear how sick my son's 9 year old was but, like people: life and death is unpredictable. We are never ready when we hear bad news.

  3. I know Vicki, the loss of a beloved pet is like a part of the family gone away - so difficult especially as it tends to come on rather suddenly with pets it seems.

  4. Death of our pets is often one of the first times children experience that loss. I'm glad there are some good books to help children understand.

  5. Beautiful senior kitty. Gage was younger when we lost our dog and cat and was upset, but nothing like what it will be for our almost 6 year old kitties. He adores them and they adore him.


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