Thursday, May 27, 2021

Book Review - One Two Three, Laurie Frankel


TITLE/AUTHOR: One Two Three, Laurie Frankel

PUBLISHER:  Macmillan Audio and Henry Holt and Co.


GENRE: Fiction / Siblings /Small Town Life

FORMAT:  eAudio/eGalley LENGTH:  14 hrs 59 min / 400 pp

SOURCE:  NetGalley / Macmillan Audio

SETTING(s):  Massachusetts (?)

ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:  A  big-hearted story about siblings and small town life after a chemical spill changes everything.

BRIEF REVIEW:   Bourne, is a very tiny town where everyone knows everyone. Seventeen years earlier Bourne made national news when the water turned green and was found contaminated. Belsum, the factory in town had been leaking chemicals into the water there.  The residents that are left have suffered the lasting effects, many have died from cancer as a result of the contamination and poisoning. Now the same company is back in town promising new jobs, which the town desperately needs,  and claiming they have changed their ways.

Nora Mitchell was pregnant at the time and is now a widow.  In addition to motherhood, she's an activist and her focus has been on gathering evidence for a class action lawsuit on behalf of those who have suffered. Nora gave birth to triplets just after the disaster and two of them have likely been affected as a result of the contamination. The story is told from the perspective of each pf the triplets in the present day at age sixteen.

Mab (One) is the "normal" triplet who feels the guilt of being born unscathed.  Monday (Two) is a lover of books, known as the town librarian and her quirky nature lead me to believe that she is likely on the autism spectrum.  Mirabel (Three) has been noticeably, physically affected by the spill and even speaks through a specialized device.

The story is told through (3) distinct voices of the triplets.  We learn the unique story of Bourne, its residents past and present and the consequences of what the people living in Bourne have experienced.  What could have been a rather depressing story was told in a way that never felt that way. If you enjoy quirky, unforgettable character driven stories  complete with even a rather tidy ending, this may be just the kind of story for you.  A story of friendship, siblings, resilience, acceptance and moving forward. I enjoyed the story but, did think it was a bit too long. The audio was good and easy to follow but, I also had the eGalley which worked well for a great combo read.

RATING:  4/5  

Audio download and eGalley sent to me in exchange for my unbiased review courtesy of Macmillan Audio, Henry Holt & Co and NetGalley.


  1. I'm looking forward to reading this later in the summer. Have you read her previous novel? I highly recommend it, if you haven't.

    1. I'll have to look up her earlier books as the author's name was not familiar to me.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I did, too!

    1. Jen, glad you liked it, I liked the manner in which the story was told.

  3. It's those triplet sisters that make me want to read this one!

  4. Yes, it was a good story, just too long perhaps.

  5. What an interesting topic, it sounds good to me.

  6. I'm not familiar with this author but her book sounds very interesting.

    1. I never read this author previously either but I was impressed.

  7. I liked Frankel's other book that I read and I what I like about the summary of this one is that it seems like a story we don't see much.

    1. Helen, I missed out on her last book, but I've been hearing good reviews.

  8. I'm intrigued by this book after reading a few good reviews about it. Definitely on my wishlist now.

  9. I'm not sure I'll get to this one - but I'm glad for the report on it. It seems readers like Frankel's books.

    1. Yes, I missed her previous book but others really liked that one as well. So many good books just released or releasing soon.

  10. I like the sound of it and I love the cover.

  11. I just got my copy in the mail. I liked her last book and it provided plenty to discuss when my club read it. It wasn't a perfect read but I am looking forward to this one. Now, to fit it in. I requested it to long ago.

    1. I didn't read her previous book but many have seemed to enjoy it. I hope you like One Two Three. (So many good books to catch up on right now). I'm loving Joyce Maynard's new book so much but I'm making it last with just a few chapters each day - much has resonated with me thus far with this one.


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