Tuesday, May 4, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - If Cats Disappeared From the Earth; Genki Kawamura

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon. 

Flatiron Books - 2019


The Devil Makes His Appearance

"I couldn't think of ten things I wanted to do before I died.

I saw a movie once where the heroine is about to die, so she makes a list of ten things she wants to do before she passes away.

Ugh, what a load of crap. Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh. But, seriously, what even goes on a list like that? A bunch of junk probably."

What do you think, read more or pass?  I picked this up on the free cart outside the library last week and I read it in one sitting yesterday. It's just 168 pages and there were so many wonderful passages I felt compelled to highlight as well.  (review coming soon)


  1. I can't imagine having to make such a list, but the book sounds good! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. I know, we always hear of bucket lists but I wonder how many people really make them?

  2. I'm hung up on that title. If cats disappeared from Earth, I would be bereft. As for that first paragraph, it doesn't do much for me.

    1. Dorothy, yes that intro is written in an odd way but, overall I was happy I spent a few hours with this one.

  3. You've reminded me that I actually bought a physical copy of this book when it first came out. I was attracted to the cover and subject of cats. I'm going to hunt it down now in one of my many book cases.

    1. Catherine, It is a real quick read and I found much to enjoy despite the grim beginning.

  4. Any book that inspires grabbing a highlighter is a winner in my book!

  5. I'm not real crazy about this writer's style, so I'd pass.

    1. Yes, the writing style is a different for sure but somehow it managed to work for me.

  6. I don't like the title, but I admit I would check it out. A world without cats? Nah, not for me, but the book might be :)

  7. I'd read it based simply on the title alone.

  8. I'm with Deb, it is the title that grabs me.

  9. What an opening! I love that you mention how you found this book too.

  10. I have many questions about the title! The opening sounds interesting as well so I'd keep reading.


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