Monday, December 5, 2011

Mailbox Monday

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of  A Girl and Her Books and the December host is Let Them Read Books.  Here's what the cat mail lady left at our door.

Any new books for you last week?


  1. As usual you have an interesting mailbox!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading The Invisible Ones. Hope you emjoy the Crichton book - looks very good!

  3. I have been eying Micro since it came out, and will be very interested in your review! Nice mailbox this week!

  4. You have piqued my curiosity, as usual. The Invisible Ones and A Month in the Country especially....enjoy!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week.

  5. I was intrigued by the title "A Month in the Country," so I read up on it in Amazon (thanks for the link!). It sounds like a perfect book for me.

    I loved Michael Crichton's The Great Train Robbery, which I need to reread, but the only other one of his I've read is Jurassic Park. Hope you like this one.

  6. I'll be watching for your review of Micro. I'm generally not a fan of books started by one author and finished by another, so I'm hesitating on that one. I'll be anxious to see what you think of it.

  7. Three Bedrooms sounds interesting.

    Have a wonderful week!

  8. Three Bedrooms in Manhattan sounds interesting - thanks for the links, Diane. Have a wonderful week and enjoy your nrew reads.

  9. I read The Tenderness of Wolves and LOVED it. Didn't know she had a new one. Great list.

  10. The Invisible Ones sounds good. I'll keep an eye out for your thoughts on it. Vine had so many great looking titles this time around. It was hard to narrow it down to two.

  11. The Invisible Ones caught my eye, I hope you enjoy them all.

  12. I'm curious how many more books Michael Crichton will have post-humously? This is the second one I think!

  13. I usually like Michael Crichton's books but I was hesitating on this one since he didn't write the final copy. I'll be watching for your review.

  14. They all look good, but I could see The Invisible Ones!

  15. Hi Diane,

    A great eclectic mix of books this week.

    I particularly like the sound of the Michael Crichton and the Stef Penney.

    I haven't read any Michael Crichton for some time and didn't realise that he had started writing with other authors. I am not altogether sure that I am in favour of this approach as one never really knows who has done the lions share of the work, when the more popular author takes the largest credit. James Patterson is another author who seems to do this all the time these days.

    Enjoy your reading week and thanks as always for visiting Fiction Books.


  16. you got some great books this week! looking forward to your review of them. happy reading!

  17. I hope you enjoy them all, Diane. I know my husband will be interested in the Crichton book.

  18. You always have interesting books in your mailbox! Enjoy your reading week.

  19. Looking forward to hearing what you think of Micro.

  20. I always love looking at your mailbox...all new titles to me!


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