Saturday, May 23, 2015

SPAM and a Saturday Snapshot

Dear Readers,

If you are still reading my blog, I just discovered today that many for my regular commenters, who I thought had abandoned me, have actually been commenting, but your comments went in my spam folder, which I almost never check. I am so sorry I never saw your comments. Forgive me.  Not sure how this happened as most of you who ended up in spam have been commenting on my blog for years?? 

This week I decided to participate in Satuday Snapshot, because I thought this photo was too priceless to keep to myself.

"Mommy, just like tattoos"

(fortunately this was washable, not permanent marker)

To participate in Saturday Snapshot (hosted by West Metro Mommy): post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky below. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.


  1. Adorable photo! And yes, I try to check the spam folder regularly, as there seems to be no rhyme or reason for how they get tossed there!

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

    1. The spam folder kinda shocked me when I saw many emails from regular commenters.

  2. Oh my, I love that photo - it's adorable!

  3. What a precious photo! That's one to save for her high school graduation. And they are just like tattoos! LOL

  4. LOL! I like her sleeve of tribal artwork on her left arm too. She looks like my younger daughter, ha! Adorable photo and thanks for sharing.
    I don't check my spam folder regularly but occasionally I do see someone's comment in it and wonder why (?!) I respond to all comments, as you do, but if I don't it's probably because it got snuck in that pesky spam folder.

    1. Thanks Rita - she is special.

      As for the spam, I don't have a clue why that had happened.

  5. Such a sweet photo. To be kept for posterity. Tell her, I love her tattoos!

    Here is my SNAPSHOT POST

  6. That is a terrific photo! Oh the spam, it never stops!!!

  7. Oh no!! I wondered why I wasn't seeing many comments in my in box in the last few months. I was finding them under the comments section of Blogger however. I just looked and mine are also going to spam.

  8. O how cute! But wonder what Mommy thinks. ;) And, I think some of my comments are in that Spam lot.

  9. Oh that picture! I bet you had a tiny moment of panic washable or not!

  10. That picture is adorable! Sorry to hear about the SPAM! Have a nice relaxing weekend, Diane.

  11. Too cute!! Aren't they fun? (grandchildren, not tattoos)

  12. Such a great photo! I can imagine my granddaughter doing something like that. I'm glad to hear she used a washable marker instead of a Sharpee.
    My Saturday Snapshot post is HERE.

  13. Great photo! Re:Spam - keeping up with the techno aspect of blogging is difficult. I just noticed I've had multiple failed attempts made at logging in to my site!

  14. Good thing the marker was washable. Permanent ink wears off eventually, but the week or so is full of explaining to strangers!!! :)

  15. Oh that photo made me laugh and brought back memories from way back when. As for the spam, that made me smile because I've been there. Have a great weekend and thanks for such a delightful photo.

    1. Thank you Denise. Spammers make it tough for the rest of us.

  16. how my gosh - how cute is that! Something to show her when she grows up!

  17. I wonder if tattoos will be less popular when she is old enough to get one.

  18. LOL, glad it wasn't permanent marker!

    Wish I knew why my comments end up in spam... there are a few blogs I just cannot comment on no matter how hard I try :( Need to remember to check my own spam folder more regularly, too.

    1. I have no idea, yet some of your comments I obviously got.

  19. That photo IS priceless!! Love it.

  20. ha ha ha - great photo! Actually, a blogger I know who writes about parenting just did a whole feature about when kids take markers to themselves and asked for pics and stories from other moms - it was hilarious!!

    Enjoy the holiday weekend -


    Book By Book

  21. She's definitely creative. Is that your granddaughter? I can't believe she's so big already.

  22. I love it when the little ones try to imitate what they see adults doing. You're right - this is priceless.

  23. That is such an adorable photo! Too bad about the spam business. That sounds so frustrating!

  24. Ha ha! I have many "marker" pictures like that with my kids. WHat is it with kids and markers?

    Oh, and you inspired me to check my spam comments (luckily, the only ones in there were actually spam!)

    1. Not sure Melinda but just another thing that kids seem to love.

  25. Me too, Mom freaked for a minute thinking she had left a sharpie somewhere.

  26. Looking forward to what my grandson gets himself into! Too cute.

  27. Oh my goodness, that picture is priceless! My daughter used to do that all of the time (and not always with washable marker!). It's much funnier on someone else's child!

  28. So sweet. Do these match Grandma's tattoos? ;)


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.