Tuesday, July 26, 2016

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Bilgewater; Jane Gardam

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where I share the first paragraph sometimes two, of a book that I'm reading or plan to read soon. 

Bilgewater; Jane Gardam
Europa - 2016

"The interview seemed over. The Principal of the college sat looking at the candidate.  The Principal's back was to the light and her stout, short outline was solid against the window, softened only by the fuzz of her aging but rather pretty hair.  Outside the bleak and brutal Cambridge afternoon --December and raining.

The candidate sat opposite wondering what to do.  The chair had a soft seat but wooden arms. She crossed her legs first one way and then the other -- then wondered about closing her legs at all.  She considered whether to get up.  There was a cigarette box beside her.  She wondered whether she would be offered a cigarette.  There was a decanter of sherry on the bookcase.  It had a neglected air."

What do you think -- keep reading or pass? 
(Feel free to join in this week by posting your intro below?


  1. Interesting! I wonder what is going on in the Principal's mind, but I do want to know.

    1. I haven't started it yet Laurel but it does sound promising.

  2. I'd definitely continue on. I read Old Filfth by this author last year and loved her writing style and character development.

  3. Sounds like an awkward situation. I would continue!

  4. I'd like to keep reading. It got my curiosity up.

  5. This one is going on my TBR for sure!

  6. I'm kind of curious how this will play out, so I'd keep reading.

  7. Humm, I'm on the other side. This is *not* grabbing my attention. Hope you enjoy it.

  8. The opening paragraphs aren't quite grabbing me, but the cover art is. Then again, it's a prologue, so hopefully it'll pick up rather quickly.

  9. This didn't grab me, so I'll wait to read your thoughts once you've finished.

  10. I would keep reading to find out what's going on.

    1. I hope it's a good one as I own several of her books (unread still)

  11. I've been wanting to try a book by this author, and this one is going on my list. I love this opening and want to know more, so I'd keep reading!

  12. Definitely read on! A good reading friend has been recommending Jane Gardam for years, and I finally have Old Filth, which I am eager to get to. I love school stories, teacher stories, village stories, and this seems to have it all.

    Hope you enjoy it.

    1. Jane, I adore school settings as well. A Secret History was so good.

  13. Oh, I'm hooked, I'm going out to get this book!
    Miss Cellany.

  14. I might just need some sherry to keep awake.

  15. Yes I really like the style - the two chairs set the scene very well.

  16. I feel like fidgeting just reading this! I love how the descriptions bring the scene to life. I'd definitely keep reading.

  17. An interesting beginning! I'd keep reading.

  18. I am on the fence with this one. Guess I will wait to see what your think after you have read it. I am so far behind, I shouldn't add any other titles to my TBR list!!!

  19. A bit slow but I'd like to see how this is going to turn out.

  20. Absolutely fantastic! Having worked as a teacher off and on over 41 years, I'm definitely hooked.
    Hope you are having a grand summer. Has it been too hot on the New England shore?
    Judith (Reader in the Wilderness)

  21. I have heard of this author, especially the Old Filth book. Maybe someday I will read her. I always like books set in those famous British colleges.


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