Tuesday, August 14, 2018

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Other Mother; Carol Goodman

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read.

The Other Mother; Carol Goodman
William Morrow - 2018

Part 1

Chapter One

"She's crying again.

I don't know why I say again.  Sometimes it seems as if she's done nothing but cry since she was born.  As if she'd come into this world with a grudge."

 I read a few favorable reviews on this one, what do you think?


  1. I think I would need to know more about the book before deciding to keep reading. Thanks for visiting Girl Who Reads

  2. I've got this one on my list. I've liked all of the Goodman books that I've read so far and am still making my way through her backlist. She usually has some kind of woods and a creepy old house and then whatever else. And she's got a new one coming out next spring. I need to get this one read.

  3. Great beginning. I'm curious to know more. This week I am featuring A Study in Death by Anna Lee Huber. Happy reading!

  4. This was a buzz book at the March Public Library Conference in Philadelphia. I've got a copy that I hope to get to soon.

  5. I read a few good reviews too and now I have it on hold at the library. The beginning is good.

  6. I loved this book! There were just the kind of twists and turns that kept me reading. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  7. I like that opening, one that many of us can relate to and yet it begs a question right from the start.

  8. Yes, I would read on, sounds like something good.

  9. I would keep reading. It sounds good and emotional.

  10. As I enjoy this author, I would keep reading.

  11. I've only read The Lake of Dead Languages (years ago!). This sounds intriguing. I'd keep reading!

  12. Uh oh! My first child was one of those criers. The first lines remind me of the movie Tully.

  13. I am on the fence with this opener.

  14. I like the sound of this opening... I'd give it a whirl...

    Here's my Tuesday post link! ;-)

  15. I'm definitely curious about this one. I've seen some good reviews of this one two and I do really like that teaser.

  16. I've been wondering about this one. I heard some mixed reviews. Hugs!

  17. I have this book. Just have to find it! Sounds suspenseful.


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