Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Ones We Choose; Julie Clark

The Ones We Choose; Julie Clark
Gallery Books - 2018

The Ones We Choose is a debut novel that packs a punch.  The author uses fiction and fascinating science tidbits about the DNA that shapes each of us. 

Paige Robson is a successful genetic research scientist in a small California town. Busy with her career, she soon realizes that her only chance at motherhood might be through the use of a sperm donor. 

Fast forward, Paige's son Miles is a lonely 8 year old who has issues fitting in. He also resents his mother's, kind, patient boyfriend Liam, and longs to know why he is the only child who doesn't know who his father is.  (Paige, has also had a childhood with an absent father who reappears later in the story.)

As the story progresses secrets to the identity of Miles father begin to unravel and are revealed. 

This is an amazing debut novel that blends literary fiction with science. At the beginning of each chapter are interesting genetic facts. I really enjoyed this book, a tender, heartwarming and informational read, reminding me of author, Lisa Genova.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars


  1. You have piqued my curiosity! Thanks for sharing...I'm off to check on this book.

  2. I think all you had to say was 'reminding me of Lisa Genova'. That did it. I'll take a look.

  3. Literary fiction and science... I'm in!

  4. I've been drawn to that cover so I'm glad to see the book is good.

  5. This one sounds good to me. I like literary fiction combined with science. I recently finished a novel that does that regarding ecology, trees and climate change: The Overstory by Richard Powers. Review coming soon.

    1. Oh Judy - trees, climate change and ecology appeal to me as well. Going to check that one out.

  6. I loved to A Man Called Ove but couldn't get through My Grandmother... I'm a little gun shy to try another one.

    1. I liked all of Backman's books but, some a lot more than others.

  7. WOW, almost a fiver! It does sound good.

  8. I really love the way the story flowed, hard to believe it was a debut.

  9. This sounds wonderful. Thanks for telling us about it - hadn't heard of it before.

  10. This one sounds so good. I love science. I especially love it when it's given to you in a way where you don't really realize it's science. LOL.


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