Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December Mid month update

It's been such a busy month and still (12) more days to go: new kitties, book group Christmas luncheon, shopping, gift wrapping, aquarium visit, saw a new movie, another birthday for me and some celebrating, annual brunch with Santa, Christmas live performance, and some time for yoga and reading as well.

We saw The Mule which stars Clint Eastwood, 88,  as Earl Stone, a man in his 80s who is broke, alone, and facing foreclosure of his business when he is offered a job that simply requires him to drive—easy enough but, unbeknownst to Earl, he’s just signed on as a drug courier for a Mexican cartel, and also hit the radar of hard-charging DEA agent, Colin Bates. DEA Agent played by Bradley Cooper and other great stars such as, Laurence Fishbone, Andy Garcia, Michael Pena and Alison Eastwood ( as his daughter).  Eastwood's character is that of a flawed man who made plenty of mistakes in his younger days but tries to make it right in the time he has left.  There was humor to be found in this drama as well. Based on a true story. We loved this movie.

Mystic, Connecticut Aquarium Visit 

Front row seats to sea lion performance - so cute.

African Penguins 

December Birthday Brunch with Santa

(my happy place - brunch with granddaughters)

Christmas Home for the Holidays

"Home for the Holidays" is an annual on stage performance at a local theater. It takes place in the living room of the host with a number of guests arriving to celebrate the season and sing some great holiday songs. Just a nice reminder of what simple joys the holiday can bring, being with friends and family. Great production, excellent singers, and a great festive night out. This is our third year attending and every year is somewhat different.

The Kitties - Ricky and Lucy adjusted so fast - both are lap cats, love to wash one another, play together and even sleep in our bed.  Although we forgot just how active kittens can be (these litter mates are 7 months), we are thankful they sleep through the night. We feel so lucky to have adopted this lovable duo - they've so much unto our once quiet home.

New Books from publishers

December Reading thus far

  1. The Story of Arthur Truluv; Elizabeth Berg - library audio - 4.5/5 (Dec/2018)
  2. The Christmas Star; Donna Vanliere - eBook - 4/5 (Dec/2018)
  3. Christmas on Cape Cod; Nan Rossiter - eBook - 3.5/5 (Dec/2018)
  4. Alaskan Holiday; Debbie Macomber - library - 4/5 (Dec/2018)
  5. Becoming; Michelle Obama - audio - 5/5 (Dec/2018) (no review yet)
How is your month going?


  1. Sounds like you're having a wonderful month! We haven't been to Mystic in years... probably not since our CT days. Hope you and your family have a very happy holiday season :)

    1. Thanks JoAnn, wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas as well.

  2. What a great holiday month! The Mule sounds like something both Carl and I might enjoy - hopefully we'll make it to the theater to see it.

    1. Kathy, I hope you get to see The Mule; have a very Merry Christmas.

  3. OK, I feel all caught up. Loved the pics. I just reviewed Becoming. I await yours! Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks Judy; Merry Christmas! Off to read your review of Becoming.

  4. Love your Christmas pics! I have 2 granddaughters and a grandson but they live cross-country so I rarely see them.

    We have been to Mystic Seaport several times. Did you get to see the Armistad (sp?) ship that was used for slaves? It was there the last time we went. Their aquarium is one of the best I've seen.

    I would love to see The Mule, will mention to my hubby, but we don't get out to movies that often. And Elizabeth Berg-- I used to read every book she put out, except the last few years. I'll check it out, thanks! Merry Christmas!

    1. Glad to see you have enjoyed Mystic as well. I didn't see the Amistad ship this trip but have in the past. It was super cold this visit so we tried to do mostly indoor things.

      The Mule was awesome; hope you will get to see it. Also, Eliz Berg's last 2 books were very enjoyable but, like you, I haven't read her for the last 6-8 years.

      Merry Christmas.

  5. Looks like some goodies, we haven't seen the Mule yet either. Hey, I'm so glad Ricky and Lucy adjusted so quickly, they sure are adorable!

    1. Brian, These two new cats are the best thing. I do think Lucy is a clone of our sweet Lily that we lost in 2017. She looks like her only bigger and is replicating all the favorite things Lily used to do! Ricky is just as awesome - such a good match for the two of us.

  6. What a great month you've had! Brunch with your granddaughters to celebrate your birthday must have been so wonderful. I got one of the sweetest birthday cards from my 16-year-old granddaughter this month. We're both pretty blessed, aren't we? Adding The Mule to my movie list. It has a great cast and sounds like a marvelous film. I hope you have a lovely Christmas, Kathy. All the best to you and your family.

    1. Les, hope your Christmas is special as well. It's been a great month!

  7. Hi Diane,
    It looks to me as though you're having a wonderful December. I'm so happy about you and the cats!
    I've felt as though I've been almost too busy this month. I have a few days now with nothing outside the house firmly scheduled, thank goodness. I can catch up, decorate our Charlie Brown red spruce tree that we took from near the barn trail, and research recipes for a fancy Christmas Day dessert. I'm eager to bake or create (?) a Buche de Noel or Yule Log Cake, so I've got to prepare. Time is running out. Of course I'm still reading Christmas fare. I'm really enjoying a novel entitled A Vineyard Christmas.

    1. Oh my gosh! And I want to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas!

    2. Judith, same to you, the Merriest Christmas ever! I just reserved A Vineyard Christmas as I wasn't familiar with that title and I do love the vineyard!

  8. You have had a lovely month! Entertainment, gatherings, reading, and kittens. :-) I love Mystic Aquarium. A beluga once photobombed my mom. It was awesome! :-) I tried to replicate it without success.

    1. Carmen, glad to read you've visited Mystic Aquarium as well. I've also been to Boston and Baltimore's aquariums - fun!!

  9. The Santa Brunch looks like such fun and a great way to celebrate a birthday! I love aquariums and the sea lion show looks fantastic. What great seats you had! Glad the new kitties are settling in so nicely. They look like they're having a lot of fun exploring.

    1. Katherine - little did we know the sea lions would come out of the water when we chose our seats LOL such fun.

  10. I love the premise of Home for the Holidays. AS you know, my house loves theatre productions in general.

    1. Home for the Holidays was such fun. Each visitor to the home, performed solo or a duet. There was lots of humor and Christmas songs as well. Special night!

  11. What a terrific month you're having. Love all your photos, especially the ones of your new cats and your beautiful granddaughters! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas! :)

    1. Thank you Monica; love the granddaughters and the kitties - Merry Christmas!

  12. I went to college at Connecticut College so am quite familiar with Mystic, it's a great area! What a busy month you've had (happy belated Birthday) and you've read good books. I am just beginning Becoming.

    1. Helen, I do recall, now that you mentioned it again, that you went to school here -- New England is a big change from Southern CA, but, I am so happy it was a good experience.

  13. Happy Holidays! Looks like a fun month with family, friends, and festivities.

  14. Aww, congratulations on the new kitties! They are so cute. December is such a hectic month isn't it. Love the Christmas picture. Keep on enjoying the season!

    1. Iliana, hope your December has been going well. The kitties are awesome; Merry Christmas

  15. The kitties are beautiful and look fun. So happy for you! What a great addition to your household. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Nice photos.

    1. The kitties have adjusted so easily, although they are super active, they are also lap cats and love us 2 humans. Merry Christmas.

  16. Thanks Vicki; Merry Christmas to you and yours - love the grandkids and the new cats.

  17. We’re going to go see The Mule sometime over the holiday. I’m glad to hear you guys loved it. Love the pic of brunch with the grandkids!

  18. Ricky and Lucy are so adorable!!! Kittens are the best. I'm glad you liked the Mule. We're headed to the theater tomorrow and I need some recommendations.


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