Sunday, December 23, 2018

Swans of Fifth Avenue; Melanie Benjamin

AUTHOR: Melanie Benjamin
PUBLISHER: Random House
PUB. YEAR: 2016
FORMAT:  - eBook
RATING: 4/5 stars

The Swans of Fifth Avenue was our book group's November selection.  Going into this book rather blind, I was not aware that this was a fictionalized version of Truman Capote and the rich, high society "Swans", he ingratiated himself with, only to later expose their most private lives -- in his "LaCote Basque - 1965".

Set in the 1950's-1960's, it is a juicy story which I thought was fairly well-written.    Barbara "Babe" Cushing Mortimore Paley, socialite and top "swan", seemed to have it all: beauty, money and influential friends but, deep down she was not much more than a lonely, insecure trophy wife. Her husband Bill was a philandering, CBS executive. Little did Babe know, when Capote and his larger than life personality entered the picture, he would easily be welcomed in their circle but, with a penchant for gossip, he'd later use people to his advantage.

This book made for a lively discussion and everyone in the group seemed happy that we read it. 


  1. First time for me as well with this author; very well written.

  2. That does sound good and I'll bet the lively discussion was too! Merry Christmas from all of us and Christmas hugs to Ricky and Lucy!

  3. He must be a nasty character to use all their private anecdotes. It sounds a lively read.

  4. I loved this book and talked my book club into reading it and everyone liked it. I passed it on to my mother and she wasn't crazy about it.

  5. Huh. I had no idea this was about Truman Capote and the rich women he surrounded himself with. I've only read one book by Benjamin (The Aviator's Wife) and I really enjoy it, so maybe I'll have to give this one a go. So many books to recommend to my book club! Gah!

  6. I loved this one...So juicy! You're right that it is the fodder of lively discussions. Merry Christmas, Diane, to you and yours!

    1. Thanks Carmen, and Christmas wishes to you and yours as well.

  7. I've just finished Becoming by Michelle Obama, which I found interesting. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. I have read all of Melanie Benjamin books. They are all Historical Fiction. She has new one out next spring I believe. My favorite of hers is The Autobiography Of Mrs. Tom Thumb.

  9. I think I need to read this one. I am currently reading The After Party by Anton DiSclafani. Similar scene but in Houston, TX during the 1950s. When I post my reading group update next please leave this one, with a link to your review in the comments. I like that it gave your group such a lively discussion. Happy Holidays!

  10. I'll try to remember Judy. Have a great Christmas.

  11. I have this book on my to be read pile, I guess I should move it closer to the top of my stack!! Thanks for the review!

  12. I detest gossip, but Truman Capote does fascinate.


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