Thursday, December 27, 2018

Night of Miracles; Elizabeth Berg

AUTHOR: Elizabeth Berg
PUBLISHER: Random House
PUB. YEAR: 2018
SETTING:  Missouri
FORMAT:  - eGalley
RATING: 4/5 stars

Night of Miracles is a sequel to The Story of Arthur Truluv which I read and loved last month.  

In this story , senior citizen, Lucille Howard  (Arthur Truluv's  former friend and neighbor), is trying to keep busy by giving baking classes to people in the area.  Her classes have become so popular that she has hired Iris as her assistant, ironically, Iris does not know how to bake but she needs to keep her mind occupied.  When tragedy strikes the new family next door, Lucille and the community of Mason, MO band together to show what it means to be good neighbors.

This was another enjoyable, light read.  This story features some of the characters from the first book as well as a new cast of characters, featured as the chapters progress.  It's a story full of kindness and compassion for others, the kind our world needs more of.  The characters are quirky and likable and the baking references in this book put me in the mood to get out my holiday baking recipes.

Fun read, although I liked the first book a bit more. I'd certainly recommend reading the books in order if you decide to try this two-book series.


  1. Sounds entertaining and lighthearted, good for this time of year. The downside of reading a book that incorporates baking recipes is the wanting to replicate them...and eat them! ;-)

  2. It sounds like it's got some smiles inside!

  3. I used to read all of Elizabeth Berg's books, but it has been quite a while since I have read her. Thank you for your review.

  4. Glad to know Elizabeth Berg still has it going on!

  5. Light holiday reads feel just right at this time of year. I think I have taken on too-heavy books and need to lighten it up for the last couple days of the year.

  6. Elizabeth Berg used to be one of my favorite authors, but her recent novels haven't been as enjoyable, at least not for me. However, these two books sound like something I'd really enjoy, so I'll give the first a try and see how I like it. I'm in the mood for some light reading right now. As a matter of fact, I'm re-reading Anne of Green Gables and it's just what I need after the holidays.

  7. I loved Arthur too. I gave this as a gift but haven't read it myself yet. I will!


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