Thursday, February 14, 2019

Good Riddance; Elinor Lipman

AUTHOR:  Elinor Lipman
PUBLISHER: Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt
PUB. YEAR: 2019
FORMAT:  - eGalley - Edelweiss

Daphne Maritch is a newly divorced New Yorker who is attempting to declutter her all too tiny NYC apartment when she comes across her deceased mom June's yearbook which she inherited. The yearbook is from 1968, Pickering, New Hampshire High School, the year when Daphne's mom was a new, 24 year old teacher and class advisor.  The yearbook was heavily annotated and updated with comments each time she learned new tidbits about class members through the years.  Her mother's obsession with the yearbook stirs many questions but mostly why was Daphne's mother so obsessed with this time and the people in her life?

With no interest in keeping the yearbook, Daphne tosses it down the trash chute. Geneva, a filmmaker  who lives in the building finds the yearbook and thinks it might make an interesting project - Class of 1968, Where are You Now? A return to NH by Daphne and Geneva for a reunion brings about some shocking surprises.

Elinor Lipman is a favorite author but this book wasn't a hit for me. In fact it took me a while to get through it after the first 1/3 of the book.  Daphne and Geneva were both irritating characters for different reasons, and Daphne's father who was a more minor character was probably my favorite.  The publisher calls this a romantic comedy and yes there is some romance but, readers might be disappointed if "romantic comedy" is the reason they chose this book.  Although the story is funny at times, it's also pretty far-fetched. For anyone who hasn't read this author but would like to, I'd recommend starting with some of her earlier books like The Inn at Lake Devine - a favorite.


  1. I'm sorry this was disappointing. I read The Inn at Lake Devine many, many years ago and thought it was very good, although now I really don't remember a thing about it!

  2. I've read one book by this author and liked it but have no memory of its title. I'm sorry this one was a dud.

  3. Oops. I am currently reading The Address by Fiona Davis and having similar reactions.

  4. I thought the premise sounded interesting, but doesn't sound the execution was great. I remember The Inn At Lake Devine, but I didn't ever get to it. Others liked it - Les probably told me about it back then. Ha! So, I guess my response is I won't rush to this one. ;-)

  5. Oh well, sounds like the title was appropriate! Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!

  6. Too bad this wasn't a hit with you. I'll probably skip it.

  7. I haven't read anything by Elinor Lipman. Thank you for your honest review, Diane!

  8. I guess they can't all be winners.

  9. I've read just one book but it was a long time ago. Thank you for the honest review.


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