Tuesday, November 12, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - An Elephant in my Kitchen; Francoise Malby-Anthony

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers post the opening paragraph(s) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. 

An Elephant in My Kitchen; Francoise Malby-Anthony
Sidgwick & Jackson - 2019

The only walls between humans and elephants are the ones we put up ourselves.

Violent weather always unsettled our elephants, and the predicted gale-force winds meant there was a danger of trees blowing over and causing breaches in Thula's perimeter fence.  The cyclone has threatened for days, and while we desperately needed water after a scorching summer, we definitely didn't need a tropical storm.  We were worried about the herd, but my husband Lawrence and I were confident that, somewhere in the vast expanse of our game reserve, they had been led to safety by their new matriarch, and my namesake, Frankie.

We hadn't seen them near the house in a while and I missed them.

I've long loved these gentle creatures and thought this might be a great read for non fiction November.

What do you think?


  1. I did not think it was about real elephants when I read the title! I wish you could come here and see the elephants both wild and tamed in our country.

  2. Honestly I can't decide, it's sort of good.

  3. The title alone would have me giving this book a closer look. Enjoy!

  4. This does sound like a good choice for Nonfiction November. I had my eye on this title.

  5. If you read it, I will be interested in your review.

  6. I've read a couple books about elephants over the years. They always sound like gentle and intelligent giants.

  7. I once interviewed to be an elephant keeper. This sounds like an interesting story.

  8. This sounds fascinating. Not something I would typically pick up, but love how it begins and I would keep reading. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  9. I'd like to read the blurb as well before making a decision, but it does sound intriguing. I'm concerned about so many animals, birds, and insects disappearing and love a success story or people who put in the effort to preserve both flora and fauna.

  10. Go for it. Elephants are wondrous & intelligent creatures. I have seen them in Africa .... awesome.

  11. I loved the first sentence. It drew me in right away.

  12. I love the sound of this one. I didn't create a post for this event today, but plan to resume the feature next week.


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