Tuesday, November 26, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Inside Out: a Memoir; Demi Moore

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers post the opening paragraph(s) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. 

Harper - 2019


The same question kept going through my head:  How did I get here?

In the empty house where we married, where we'd added on because I had more kids than I had bedrooms, I was now completely alone.  I was almost fifty. The husband who I thought was the love of my life had cheated on me and then decided he didn't want to work on our marriage. My children weren't speaking to me: no happy birthday calls, no Merr Christmas texts.  Nothing. Their father--a friend I'd counted on for years --was gone from my life.  The career I scrambled to create since I moved out of my mother's apartment when I was sixteen years old was stalled, or maybe it was over for good.  Everything I was attached to--even my health--had abandoned me. I was getting blinding headaches and losing weight scarily fast. I looked like I felt: destroyed.

Any interest in this one?


  1. That sounds really interesting, I would sure read lots more.

  2. I don't usually read celebrity memoirs, but this looks interesting.

  3. I enjoyed this book. I hope you are loving it.

  4. I don't usually read memoirs but this sounds really good. I always liked Demi Moore.

  5. It is certainly an interesting beginning to a book and, if I were inclined to read memoirs I would likely be enticed to read further. But, honestly, memoirs rank near the bottom of my list of favorite things to read. However, I'll be interested to read your review of this one.

  6. Saw some good reviews on this one. The wait list at my library is a mile long so it will be awhile but I plan to read it eventually.

  7. I'm not big on memoirs either but I do like Demi Moore.

  8. Oh, yes, I love to read about real people who dig themselves out of Big, DEEP HOLES. So eventually, I'll probably listen to this on Audible.

  9. I don't usually read celebrity memoirs but the opening is definitely eye-catching.

  10. I think it's a well written opening, but I don't have a lot of interest in reading memoirs from anyone associated with the Hollywood bubble.

  11. Normally am not interested in reading celebrity memoirs, but this one sounds interesting! Happy readings!

  12. I like memoirs but this celebrity is not well known to me so maybe I'll give it a miss.

  13. Oh yes! I am curious, I love memoirs and I am a fan of Demi Moore.

  14. I love memoirs, but not usually those written by celebrities. I'll wait to see what you think of it and go from there. :)

  15. I don't know that I would keep reading. I'm another one not particularly fond of celebrity memoirs. However, I really like Judith's comment. :)

  16. This memoir interests me. The opening makes me want to read more. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, Diane!

  17. What an opening! I'd read more of this memoir.

  18. Not particularly—celebrity bios don’t usually appeal to me unless I particularly like the person, such as the Julie Andrews’ memoirs. I hate to say it but it sounds like a pity party that I cannot really relate to.

  19. Interesting opening, I would read more.

  20. I already have this on hold at my library. Though I'm not a Demi fan, I am curious to know how a woman who seemingly had it all, lost everything she most loved. Husband, children and career.


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