Tuesday, January 21, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - A Good Neighborhood; Therese Anne Fowler

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers post the opening paragraph(s) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. Here's my pick for this week:

A Good Neighborhood; Therese Anne Fowler
St. Martin's Press - 2/2020

Part 1


"An upscale new house in a simple old neighborhood. A girl on a chaise beside a swimming pool, who wants to be left alone.  We begin our story here, in the minutes before the small event that will change everything.  A Sunday afternoon in May when our neighborhood is still maintaining its tenuous peace, a loose balance between old and new, us and them. Later this summer when the funeral takes place, the media will speculate boldly on who's to blame.  They'll challenge the attendees to say on-camera whose side they're one.

             For the record: we never wanted to take sides."

What do you think?  I love the into, it really drew me in and, Ti@ Book Chatter really seemed to enjoy this one as well. I hope to begin this today.


  1. I'm looking forward to trying this one and, yes, the first words really draw the reader in. At least this reader. I read Ti's thoughts on it too.

  2. I love this author, so I've pre-ordered this book. I can't wait to read it.

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  3. I've heard lots of good about this book, so it's one I may read in February.

  4. It is intriguing. I would definitely read further.

  5. Yes, I'd definitely read this one too. It sounds gripping!

  6. Yep, I'd keep reading too, it already sounds interesting. Hey, is that Lucy or Ricky?

    1. Lucy! She's more of a lap cat then her brother but, sometimes when I'm on the recliner I get both of them till my legs go numb LOL

  7. Sounds interesting. See what book we are featuring at Girl Who Reads.

  8. Yep - this one seems to have lots of good reviews. I may not get to it anytime soon but hope you enjoy it. That passage definitely makes me want to read more.

  9. I've got an ARC and can't wait to get to it!

  10. The intro reminds me of the intros to all those old Twilight Zone shows from way back when. I can easily read that in my mind in Rod Serling's delivery style (sometimes he was the best part of the show because it was always fun to try to figure out where he was heading).

    1. Sam, I loved that intro so much and, yes, now that you said that about Rod Sterling and Twilight Zone - I see it!

  11. Sounds like the beginning of a good tale!


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