Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday #2 of 2020 Update

It was between 62 to 68 degrees and sunny this weekend. Very odd for January in New England and, everyone was outdoors enjoying this January treat. Back to the low 40s tomorrow and then possible snow later in the week.  Have you been experiencing crazy weather patterns as well?

January in Books - I finished (3) books so far this month but, I haven't posted any reviews yet (short ones are in the works).

                                                               (This week I Finished)
5/5 stars 
(incredible story - dark and gritty)

I began

(I'm enjoying both of these non-fiction selections)

Non - Bookish Stuff

  • My doctor's follow/up visit went well with pathology results benign (thankfully)
  • Never made if to yoga as one class was cancelled, my doctor's appointment and then an unexpected something came up as well. Tomorrow definitely!
  • A few weeks ago we tried a new Meals to Go place that is owned by our favorite restaurant.  So far we brought home the: baked stuffed shrimp, chicken marsala and pot roast with root veggies and a blackened salmon dish with pasta alfredo. All were delicious (enough for 2 people plus some and reasonably priced as well).
  • Oh and P.S. I HATE using Google Chrome with my MAC while blogging! Why won't this align right - UGH
How was your week?


  1. What nice weather for this time of year! Your weather sounds very similar to ours. It has been getting into the low 40's at night, but the days are quite pleasant. This is fairly normal for us though. I am so glad to hear you liked American Dirt. It seems to be the new "it" book right now. At least in the circles I travel. :-) I am so glad your test results came back benign, Diane. What a relief! I hope you have a great week this week!

  2. Diane, I'm glad you are doing well and that you are having some lovely weather! Enjoy your reading and listening! I have been reading a bit of MG's earlier book, Blink.

  3. Hooray for good pathology results, that's always such a blessing!

  4. Can't wait to read both American Dirt and your review. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone was a 2019 favorite and I'm sure I'll get to Gladwell's new book sometime this year. Glad to hear you got clear test results... must be such a relief!! Hope you have a good week.

  5. Yesterday was really warm and bad storms came through last night. They said the storms were pushed through by a cold front and that doesn't make sense to me because it was even warmer today. 72 in January is crazy.

    What a relief to get good news from the doctor!

  6. I will be interested to read your thoughts on American Dirt.

  7. So glad your results are benign, that must feel so good! And 5/5 for American Dirt; I'll need to check this one out.

  8. It’s just very hot here!
    Delighted to hear of your good results.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  9. Yes, we've already had thunderstorms, hail, and a tornado watch. Not that those are odd at all in our area, but a bit weird in January. Usually it is March, April, May. Anyway, the weather people went 'INSANE' over those things. They were way over the top and I wasn't sure why. Maybe they were bored before. Glad your results were good. The take-out place sounds really good. We do a bit of that too. We've got two places that we get really good salads and I pick them up a couple of times a week usually. And we've gotten to where we share 'chicken fajitas for one' here and that's enough. Much more economical in the pocketbook and also in the calories. LOL

  10. First off, glad that the pathology came back clean. What a relief.
    Weather has been a little odd here too. It was 35 degrees when I got in the car this morning but then during they day it will be warmish for this time of year. I like it. It's so blue and pretty and crisp.

  11. Happy to hear that the pathology work turned out so well for you.

    I am looking forward to what you think of American Dirt. That one is getting a lot of positive hype in my part of the world and it's on my library hold list. I also have Talking to Strangers on my TBR list, but it's starting to look like I'll never get to it.

    As for Google Chrome when using Blogger: I'm getting used to it, but I really miss being able to use Safari. I had gotten really used to the quirks of Safari/Blogger, and it's just not quite the same with Chrome. Please do me know if you ever get Safari and Blogger to play nicely together again.

  12. Yeah, our weather has been more or less the same - had some lovely warm weather but it's all downhill from here for the foreseeable future. I shouldn't complain about the cold - cold is what's good for Ohio this time of the year. Otherwise, it's global warming. :-(

    I've seen Maybe You Should Talk to Someone before but I don't know much more about it - looking forward to your thoughts. It's funny how both the books you started this week involve some form of talking to someone. :-)

  13. Very glad the pathology reports were benign. The weather here was mild until this past week when they plunged to record below temps -20F. It's crazy! Enjoy your reading.

  14. Those warm temps would be wonderful! We've been very chilly (30s and 40s), but no snow. Just a dusting south of us, but not enough to stick. We've had a lot of rain, though, which is normal for this time of year. I wouldn't mind a day of sunshine, though!

    I loved Maybe You Should Talk To Someone (made my Top Ten List and I have the Gladwell book in my stacks. I am very eager to get my hands on American Dirt. I think it would make a great book club selection.

    I'm glad your pathology results were benign. Phew! And those Meals to Go sound wonderful. I don't think we have anything like that around here, but once the tourist season ends, we enjoy going out to eat.

  15. Jason read Talking To Strangers and it let to so much great discussion. It finally turned to winter here today.


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