Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Book Review - 142 Ostriches; April Davila

  142 Ostriches
AUTHOR:  April Davila
PUBLISHER:  Kensington
PUB. YEAR: 2020
SETTING: CA - Mojave Desert
FORMAT: eGalley
RATING: - 4/5

Tallulah Jones hasn't had much stability in her young life, as a result of an irresponsible mother.  However, when she was 13, her grandmother Helen, came to her rescue and live with her.  Helen had an ostrich farm in the Mojave desert and, truth be told, she needed help so Tallulah filled that need.  Now in her early 20s, Tallulah has decided she wants more out of life an has accepted a job in Montana which she is to begin in a few weeks. However, when her grandmother dies unexpectedly, Tallulah has the birds, a farm, and a house to deal with before she can just pack up and leave.

142 Ostriches was a unique coming of age story. It's a story steeped in family dysfunction and, it's also a story about ostriches - (I never realized the size and power this amazing creatures possess.)  There are some sad and even violent moments in this story but, there are also moments of joy as well. I liked the protagonist and found her character well-developed. This was ultimately a different kind of coming of age story with a nice ending as well.


  1. It sounds like you learned something about ostriches too. This sounds good.

  2. An ostrich farm is an unique setting, thanks for sharing your thoughts

  3. I remember when a farmer had an ostrich as what? An oddity? A watchdog? Anyway, the husband of a woman I worked with had to check something on the property and was attacked by the ostrich; the story kept the town talking for a good while, but the man was really lucky to get away without serious injury. Back to the book, I like the sound of this coming of age story. :)

  4. That does sound unique and interesting and the cover sure is pretty!

  5. I agree with Brian on the cover. I like coming of age stories both usual and unusual.

    1. I fell in love with the cover but then enjoying the story was a bonus.

  6. I love coming of age stories so I think this one will have to go on my radar!

  7. I'm constantly amazed at some of the settings that books feature. An ostrich farm! Love it. I've wanted to read this one for that reason - glad you enjoyed it.

  8. Centering a story on ostriches is certainly unique. I like it when the setting of a book teaches me something.

  9. What an interesting subject. And I love the cover.


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