Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter ~ Happy Passover

It's a mostly cloudy Easter Sunday with high temps of 58 degrees expected today. I'll take it as we've had some heavy winds a few days this week which made a few walks challenging.
Reading/Listening to…
This week I finished listening/reading: The Red Lotus; Chris Bohjalian. (it was very different from this authors previous books but, it was pretty good - review next week I hope).
Books Reviewed Last Week…
A Perfect Alibi and Most Dangerous Place-  I read these 2 early in March. (I still have 3 more reviews to post about from March)
We saw started watching Season 1 on Containment on Netflix. It's about a pandemic (glutton for punishment here). So far the first 3 episodes have been pretty good. We also watched Good Will Hunting (again).

We managed to walk 4 times this week as well as some at home yoga (2x) - not as enjoyable but I'm doing it.
In The Kitchen…
Last week's semi-monthly grocery delivery arrived and although we did get some meat this time (not everything), many things were out of stock...frustrating.  I decided to try another option as I could not schedule another delivery in April - all booked.   On Tuesday, I tried Instacart, a personal shopper.  The stores that participate are based on your zip code.  I was pleased with the stores on the list so I ordered all of the missing items from Sunday's delivery and I was able to get 18/20 items. BONUS: it arrived 2 hours after I placed the order. So excited; our new go-to shopping service. Is is us, or are you spending a fortune on groceries lately? (I guess in part that's because we are not going out to eat or getting take out).
This week we had main meals like: steak, baked potato and salad, butternut squash ravioli and salad, roasted chicken and corn bread and beef stew.
New To Me Stuff:
Nothing new this week but I did order a couple of things.
Today’s To Do List…

I wish I could say I was entertaining my family with a traditional Easter dinner today but, it will be just the 2 of us. I'm thinking it will be a nice breakfast, a long walk, a game of Monopoly (I've lost our last 2 games but, I rock at Gin Rummy.)  We did order some gifts for the girls which we had sent to their homes and thankfully they arrived during the week.

Looking forward to…
The good ole days. I don't want to wish my life away but, there appears to be no end in sight to this social distancing. As an introvert, I'm finding this "staying at home" to be tolerable. But, boy do I miss the boring things I used to take for granted - just knowing I could go out to eat, visit the grocery store and my favorite shops, stopping for a bagel or coffee, movie theaters, my hairdresser. - now even banking is by appointment only or drive through. I am so thankful we have our pets; they are very entertaining.
How are all of you doing?


  1. I think I am in a similar space to you. The staying at home is okay but that idea of just being able to go whereever would be so nice right now.

  2. We watched Containment too, it was a good movie, makes you think about our current situation and what is true and what is not. Happy Easter from all of us!

  3. Happy Easter to you!

    We've been using Instacart and have been happy with it but the prices are higher than in the store. You do what you have to do.

  4. I'm like you - As an introvert, I really don't mind being home more often. But even introverts need to get out sometimes - whether to go on a drive for no reason, buy groceries, see people, do some window shopping or real shopping. I've been missing not being able to go out.

    I'm going to have to check out Containment. I'm just finishing through another show (The Mentalist) so this sounds great!

    1. Athira, I haven't heard of the Mentalist; I'll check it out. I hope you have a good week.

  5. Another introvert, but one who usually stays home because I choose to. Whole different story when I need to stay home because of a pandemic. Now that the experts (at least some of them) are saying the virus can be transmitted at 13 ft. things are even dicier--so delivery or grocery pick up provide some measure of safety.

    1. Jenclair, I hadn't heard of the 13' transmission. If we are out walking and see someone coming our way we cross to the other side. Stay well!

  6. As an extrovert staying home is tough. But, I do the grocery shopping and lots of zoom with colleagues and friends so that helps a bit. Happy Easter!

    1. One of my former coworkers, now retired as well, is an extrovert who is really having a rough time. She always likes to be on the go.

  7. Happy Easter to you, Diane! Glad you were able to send some things to your granddaughters. Yes, we seem to be spending a lot on groceries, but that's how it is right now. I like staying home when I want to normally, but now it's odd because I can't just run go do something. There is literally nowhere to go. I feel in a time loop or Groundhog Day. I'll look forward to your thoughts on The Red Lotus. I picked that one up for my Kindle, but haven't tried it yet. I will admit to doing a bit (or more than a bit) of book buying. I've decided that I'll be well stocked for the rest of the year in that regard. LOL

    1. Kay - yes, no where to go at all here as well. I've been doing online retail therapy as well LOL - stay safe please.

  8. Happy Easter, Diane. Sounds like you and yours are doing well so far.

    If you don't mind, I think I'm going to steal your format and use it every so often to keep a little bit of a record on Book Chase of what life is really like during this isolation period. No end in sight in Texas that I can see. They are now predicting that we won't even peak out until April 28 (my granddaughter's 21st birthday).

    Stay well.

    1. Sam, I don't mind you using this Sunday format at all. I borrowed parts of it from fellow bloggers as well. I don't see any end in sight here either in fact, we are waiting to hear them cancel school for the remainder of the school year. Stay safe.

  9. Containment sounds like it might be good. I'll have to check it out. I've had Good Will Hunting on my list for a rewatch, so thanks for the reminder about that! I'm still going to our grocery store, but I go by myself while my husband sits in the car and reads. It makes for a little outing for both of us as it's 15 minutes each way, but the drive is along the coast on Hwy 101. I unload all the groceries myself, though, since I don't want him or my mom touching any of the bags. We have curbside pick up, but I prefer to go inside and get what I need, although I'm down to twice a month and, yes, it seems like we're spending a fortune on our groceries. I did a little yardwork yesterday, but it's not something I enjoy. I'd rather go for a long walk than pull weeds! Hope you had a good Easter. Take care of yourself.

    1. My hands are dry from washing so much Les. I like having food delivered but, miss browsing the isles for alternatives, new products and better prices. Also, I prefer to pick my own fruits and veggies but, am not going to chance it . Stay Safe.

  10. WOW, that's hot for April in Fl no? We had a few situations where they substituted cat food to ones our cats would not eat so I'll have to donate it to the shelter. Stay safe my friend.

  11. I hope you had a lovely Easter. Like you, I miss all the things we used to take for granted. And, you are much braver than I am watching Containment. One pandemic at a time for me please! ha. Stay well, Diane!

  12. I was hoping we would be able to take a walk in the rain yesterday evening, but it did work out. Oh well. I am glad you enjoyed The Red Lotus. I am glad instacart worked well for you. I can't talk my husband into a delivery service. He insists on doing the grocery store himself. We get a lot of our fruits and vegetables through a farm to table service, and so at least that is delivered. We just increased out deliveries of that because we are eating at home more often. It's a great way to support our local farmers, at least.

    I really miss going to the hair salon. I think that's my simple pleasure I miss the most right now.

    It doesn't feel like we are any less busy than we used to be. It's just a different kind of busy. This whole work and school balance thing is going to be my undoing, I think. I thought having school back in session through distance learning would be better, but it's proving to be more of a challenge. Hopefully it will get easier. I just wish my child was more motivated--she's fighting me almost every step of the way right now, which isn't helping any. It'll get better. It's all still new.

    I hope you have a good week. Stay safe and well.

  13. We are doing fine here, staying well and finding a routine that works for us both being home all the time. I have been reading over 100 pages a day which is keeping my mind lively and distracted. Easter was a lovely day for me, filled with talks with my extended family. We will get through this but it appears that it won't be short or easy.

  14. I don't know why, but I love pandemic movies. I enjoyed Containment when I watched it a few months back. Outbreak (the 90's movie with Dustin Hoffman) is another good one, if you're up for that.

    We've done a fair amount of grocery shopping, although it's mostly been done by my 18-year-old daughter. I haven't ever tried having groceries delivered - we have several grocery stores within a few miles of our house, so I usually just make the trek. We have been eating out a lot, though - partly because I don't want to cook and partly because we want to support local businesses.

    Glad you are healthy and safe, even if you're a little bored :)


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