Monday, May 9, 2022

Book Review - Project Hail Mary; Andy Weir

Ballantine Books and Brilliance Audio - 2021
(audio narrator - Ray Porter - fantastic)

I put this book on the back burner for a while even though I enjoyed The Martian by Andy Weir. It's just that SF is generally not my thing.  After several rave reviews from fellow bloggers, I decide to try a combo (eBook/audio) and I was so glad I did.  

Ryland Grace is a junior high science teacher, concerned about the Earth's dropping temperatures possibly leading to another ice age.  One day he wakes up on a space ship light years away and naked as well except for some breathing apparatus and lots of connected tubes and cameras watching him.  He eventually finds out that he is the sole survivor of a suicide mission and how all that came to be.

There is a character, well okay an alien life form, named Rocky that add so much interest and made for some fun as well as touching moments between he and Ryland.  Learning what actually happened through flashbacks worked so well.  I loved the audio narration but, was glad I had the eBook as well so I could gloss over some of the scientific and math components which bored me a bit.  There was a good amount of funny dialogue which I especially enjoyed. If you'd like to try something different be sure to check this one out. I sure hope the movie is in the works as, I enjoyed The Martian by Andy Weir which I read/reviewed in 2015  - the movie was great as well

Rating - 4.5/5 stars

NOTE: The eBook download was sent to me by the publisher at no cost and the audio book was borrowed from my public library.


  1. I really enjoyed this one, too. And Rocky was by far my favorite character. His relationship with Ryland Grace made me smile. :)

    1. I agree totally; he was a brilliant addition to the storyline IMO.

  2. Yes, I'm pretty sure that this will be one of my favourite books of 2022. They'd be silly 'not' to make a movie in my opinion. At long last I got to see the movie of The Martian... thought it was so good!

    1. Glad you loved this book as well as Martian movie. I thought the movie was very good as well.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed "The Martian" but haven't really been tempted by this one for some reason. Maybe I just need to get over myself and read it. Sounds like a great story.

    1. Isn't it funny how that works? I had felt the same way but, this was really good and I was sorry I waited so long.

  4. I really enjoyed this book and when Rocky and Ryland realize that they are both alone, I got quite emotional.

    1. Oh I know, their interactions are what made the book for me.

  5. SF isn't really my thing either, so I haven't tried either of Weir's books. Since you enjoyed this one, maybe I should consider it when I'm getting into a slump or need a change of pace...

  6. I've heard nothing but good things about this one but as you know, I always seem to be way behind on my reading. I have had a copy of this one for so long.

    1. Yes, I had the eGalley since last year and just got to it - the audio was so good too.

  7. My husband enjoyed this one and I've been planning to read/listen, but just haven't gotten to it yet. Glad to hear it was a winner for you.

  8. Yes, The Martian (book and movie) were so fun.

  9. So was it better than the Martian? Or about the same? I should get to this one. Maybe good for summer ....

    1. From what I remember about The Martian, I'd say - about the same. I loved the interactions between Ryland and Rocky - that made it work for me.


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