Tuesday, May 3, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Lioness; Chris Bohjalian

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon. 

 The Lioness; Chris Bohjalian
Doubleday and Random House Audio - May 10, 2022


Oh, I can't speak for the dead. And I won't speak for the missing. I can only tell you what I think happened.  Others--the dead and the missing--would probably have their own versions.  Blame, I can tell you firsthand, is every bit as subjective as truth.

Of course, I am also confident that the missing will never be found: the Serengeti is vast and it's been years. Years.  But Africa is changing. One never knows.  Someday it's possible that some of their bones--a femur that is recognizably human or a skull that was clearly a woman's or a man's --will be spotted beside a dirt road where a jackal or hyena or magnificent lappet-faced vulture decades ago finished off what a leopard or lion didn't.  Just think for a moment of the age of the fossils and remnants of ancient man that have been found a little south of where we were in the Olduvai Gorge.  Mary Leakey began piecing together the Nutcracker Man only five years before we were there when she saw what looked like two teeth in a jaw.  Nutcracker Man lived two million years ago.  We were there and (most of us, anyway) died there in 1964.

Chris Bohjalian is a favorite author and, from this intro, I can't wait to begin.  What do you think--read more or pass?


  1. Ohh I love those first two sentences! Colour me intrigued.

    1. I thought the entire paragraph was quite good; looking forward to this one.

  2. He is an automatic read for me. i find him equally talented in writing contemporary and historical fiction. Enjoy!

  3. I would like to read definitely. An author I like as well.

    1. He is quite popular and I love than every year we have a new book to look forward to.

  4. Another tempting book from Bohjalian, a favorite author. Great excerpts!

  5. I've never read anything by this author but the intro does have me interested.

    1. Oh wow Yvonne, I'm surprised. His books are excellent. I especially love his contemporary stories although, he has written several historical novels I've enjoyed as well.

  6. I've liked what I've read of his in the past and this one does sound intriguing. Adding it to the list.

    1. I'm enjoying it Dorothy, I should be done tonight or tomorrow.

  7. Yeah an African safari gone-wrong story seems like it will be suspenseful. Go for it!

    1. I've enjoyed this author in the past and this story is quite good; almost done.

  8. I'm glad you have enjoyed this author in the past. I would predict that you would also like this one.

  9. The first sentences have piqued my interest, but judging by the synopsis I'm not sure it's my type of book. I might have to check out more.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash


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