Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Chapter First Paragraph (s) Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I chose to read based on the opening paragraph (s).
" My name is Catherine Rozier, please don't call me Cathy. If you do I'll jump. Don't think I'm bluffing. It's a 3000-foot drop and even though I'm fat, I'm not fat enough to bounce."
" I'll dive headfirst into ye ancient Guernsey granite outcrops and then my mashed-up body will be washed out to sea. Of course, if I get the tides wrong I'll be stranded on the rocks with seagulls eating my eyes. I know for a fact they'll eat anything."
 " Killing myself wouldn't be too clever, but then neither was killing Nicolette.  It's been a fortnight  since they found her body and for the most part I am glad she's gone. But I also can't believe she's dead, and I should because I did it.  Yes. That's right. I killed Nicolette on these very cliffs and I'm frankly amazed that no one has guessed......................................................."
 What do you think of this intro - would you read it ? 

Want to join in?  Just grab the image, and share the first paragraph (s) of your current book.


  1. I would definitely read this book. I have it from Netgalley, and can't wait to read it.

  2. The first sentence put me off. What kind of a person gets that distressed over being called a nickname? By the end of the paragraph, I thought I would like to read a little more before making a decision.

  3. Sounds like quite the precocious little character...I'm wondering if she'll be in my class in the fall? :)

  4. I love the voice of this character. I'm not into murderers but the book sounds almost flippant and funny. I'm sure she had a good reason to kill Nicolette. Here's my first paragraph: http://paulita-ponderings.blogspot.com/

  5. I have a Netgalley of this one. I've heard some great things about it. Great teasers!

  6. A little brash - but if its a good story - why not?

  7. This is quite an opening! I definitely would read on to see who this girl is and what happened.

  8. Yes, I am intrigued into wanting to know if she did or did not kill Nicolette.
    I love the way the reader is plunged into the action immediately - and your Tuesday Intros, which I did take up.

  9. I don't think I would read this one. For some reason, the first paragraph doesn't grab me, though it is filled with action, and like someone else mentioned, it sucks you right in.

  10. Of course that opening has me curious. Hope PBS has this book.

    This week I will be starting Breaking Silence by Linda Costillo


  11. Great paragraphs! I would definitely love to read the book after reading these!!! I so love Netgalley!

  12. Oh, I would definitely read this one. Going to look for a copy now.

  13. I think I might like that, but based on the title I don't know whether to believe the story or not!

  14. With that title, and that intro, I'd certainly be interested to know more - it doesn't sound like a standard murder mystery - the book it reminds me a little of is The Strange Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.

    This is mine:

  15. Interesting! I did see this one on Netgalley. I should probably request it!

  16. Probably not, not my sense of humour and reading about those seagulls eating eyeballs would give me nightmares.

  17. Now that is one heck of a 1st Chapter intro!

    Looking up this book now.

  18. erm . . . no, probably wouldn't keep reading. But I usually give myself a few more pages before I make the final call.

    Here's mine: http://desktopretreat.blogspot.com/2011/07/revolutionary-road-by-richard-yates.html


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