Monday, July 18, 2011

First Chapter Frirst Paragrah (s) Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I chose to read based on the opening paragraph (s).  This week's intro is from something light and hopefully fun. The book is a (2nd) in a mystery series (but it isn't necessary to read book # 1 - Too Big To Miss, first.  This one was a FREE Kindle selection last week, and a friend raved about it.

" By the age of forty-seven, I had technically broken nine of the Ten Commandments--although I'm still a bit fuzzy about the whole 'graven image' thing. For example, when I was eleven, on a dare, I stole several candy bars from a drugstore. And in high school, telling the fifth-period gym class that Sally Kipman was a lesbian would definitely be categorized as bearing false witness.  But in my defense, it was only after she told everyone I was fat because I was pregnant.
Still, I always thought I would make it to heaven with the sixth commandment intact; that going through life without killing another human being would be a piece of cake.
But I was wrong. And now here I am -- ten for ten.
And it all started with my birthday."
What do you think, does this sound like a light and fun mystery?

Want to join in?  Just grab the image, and share the first paragraph (s) of your current book.


  1. It certainly does sound fun - a nice change of pace and perfect for a summer read!

    I did my first post for this tonight - what a great idea to share the intro with everyone! Love it!

  2. The book seems like a humorous read. I like the narrator, just by reading those paragraphs. Since you mentioned that it's a mystery, that gives me another reason to read the book.

  3. Love the addition of the word 'technically'! Yep, I'm almost the same age, and put like that I've 'technically' broken a fair number too, yikes! Sounds fun!

    This is mine: So far it's reminded me immediately of Rebecca, can practically hear Celine Dion humming in the background, and will it turn all Agatha Christie?

  4. Oh, boy, a new book for my list!! Excuse me while I write it down! ~karen

  5. Oh yes, this certainly sounds like fun!
    Here's mine:

  6. Definitely! I'd read that one in a heartbeat. I like this feature, Diane, gives more to go on than just 2 sentences. Thanks!

  7. Oh, this is definitely one that I would read. That first little bit snared me!

  8. Gee, that one really sounds quite interested...wonder what she did?

  9. It sounds like it's a bit more serious, but still fun. Does that make sense?

  10. Hilarious! I would definitely keep reading after that tidbit!

  11. Sounds to me as if there is a dark side to come - but I love the funky style of writing.

  12. I also want to read that book based on its first paragraph! Sounds fun! Hope you enjoy.

  13. That is a great opening to a story. I was drawn right in and now, of course, I have to find out what is going on.

    Thanks Diane - this will make a great addition to my bookshelf.

    Nothing new for me this week. Still finishing up last weeks books.

  14. I've been putting a lot of old books on our new bookshelves today. I can see I will be adding another to it before long. Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by with your sweet comments.

  15. I love the voice. I would read it, ALthough I'm not a big mystery fan. Here's mine:

  16. This does sound fun. I saw it on Amazon and it looks to be part of a series.

  17. got my attention!

    here's mine, I only have one paragraph but the third one changes everything so maybe I should have included it!

  18. Sounds delightful! I'm on my way to get this e-book.

  19. This one sounds terrific! I love a narrator with a sense of humor!

  20. That does sound fun! The author seems to have a great sense of humor.

  21. Hi Diane,

    This sounds like a great fun read, from an author that is new to me.

    That is certainly an opening paragraph that would make me want to read more!!

    I have already added this to my reading list, although it is not yet available as a kindle download on, so it will have to be a hard copy for me!!


  22. This book sounds so interesting based on the first few paragraphs - I hope you review this one.

  23. I just looked this book up to add it to my list, did you know it's #2 in a series?

  24. Mari,

    Yes, the first book is called Too Big to Miss, but it isn't necessary to ready that one first. This one was free at Amazon for Kindle so I snagged it.

    It is wonderful. She is such a good writer for a cozy author. Interesting story, great character development and see is hilarious as well. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

    I will eventually post a review (I'm way behind).

  25. I would so keep on reading....loving the sound of this one!


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.