Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Snapshot

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.
It's been so hot hot hot here, but thanks to our sprinkler system, the hydrangea bushes are doing well. This summer there are about (10) blossoms this size in bloom on this bush, and at least another (10) buds. It gets only about  4 hours of full sun each day, and that seems to work well.

This potted hibiscus only had buds when we purchased it, so we were thrilled to see the mixed blossoms on one plant. This one gets full sun and thrives in it. Sadly, it's an annual, and I've never had luck bringing these in for the winter.


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous and make the heat more bearable.

  2. Such lovely flowers. You've captured the colors perfectly. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love hydrangeas, but they don't grow very well in Texas (for me, anyway). When we visit the in-laws in MA, I love going to the Cape to see all the huge beautiful hydrangeas.

  4. I love hydrangeas. When we moved to this house, I tried to move a hydrangea with me and it didn't live. I still haven't planted more. Maybe next summer.

  5. Oh, I adore flowers! Wish I had the talent for keeping them....

    Thanks for visiting my blog. The palm trees in my photos are all around in this neighborhood mall area, and they remind me of LA, which is full of them.

  6. That Hydrangea is gorgeous, pure gorgeous.

  7. Beautiful flowers! My hydrangeas were blue last summer and bloomed pink this year. I think it has something to so with the acidity of the soil...

  8. I love surprises like multiple colored flowers on a plant. Your flowers are beautiful!

  9. Lovely flowers. Glad you can keep them going in the heat.

    Here's my Snapshot:

  10. The pink hydrangea is beautiful, really gorgeous. I've always loved hydrangeas.
    The mix of colors on the hibiscus plant is so pretty...what a nice surprise for you when it bloomed into a such a beauty!

    I love the photos of your flowers!

  11. Hydrangeas offer such huge splotches of colour, gorgeous!

  12. Those are just gorgeous! I haven't ventured out into this wall of heat so far. I would much rather look at these beautiful photographs :)

  13. A garden after my own heart, I love hydrangeas and hibiscus. My mother did wonders with bringing them in for the winter, and often at Christmas we'd have these giant blooms next to our Christmas tree.

  14. I can't believe how gorgeous your flowers are in all this heat! I try not to go outside...! :)

  15. The flowers are just gorgeous. I wish I could send some of our rain your way cause I'm sick of it. lol.

  16. The flowers are looking gorgeous! Very lovely!

  17. Wonderful photo! I love flowers in full bloom....

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  18. Hydrangeas are gorgeous, they are one of my favorite flowers. I love that they change color depending on the acidity of the soil.

  19. I love hydrangea and hibiscus flowers! This year I planted a Texas Star Hibiscus, but I planted it late in the year. With this heat, it looks very sad. We'll see if it makes it until the fall.

  20. Those flowers are gorgeous! I love the colors.

  21. The hydrangeas are lovely. I could use a sprinkler system for these hot weeks... I'm out there with the hose saving my flowers.

    There is a hardy version of hibiscus that will tolerate zone 5. I was skeptical when I planted it last year but it has returned. I'm still waiting for blooms.

  22. Gorgeous. I came home after being gone for 10 days and my hydrangeas are beautiful!

  23. I love hydrangeas, but so far I haven't had any luck growing them. What the deer didn't eat, got drowned out by the flood waters. Yours are so lovely. Great photos.

  24. I would love to vase filled with hydrangea's in my kitchen every day of the year. So beautiful!

  25. I love most flowers, but hydrangeas are one of my favourites. Lovely to see the mixed colours on the hibiscus. Not sure if yours is a special variety, but I live in quite a cold region- we get lots of heavy frosts with some occasional light snowfalls, and our hibiscus come back each year. Give it a chance I guess- you never know what will happen.


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