Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s). This week's selection has my interest.
September 27, 2011-Graywolf Press
"It all started when Mother and I had some decorating to do.  That is, I painted the lowest part of the wall, as I was rather lacking in height--it was a struggle--while she stood on a kitchen chair and concentrated on the bit below the ceiling.  At that time it actually took several months to finish one wall. But one evening Fru Syversen came round, eyed our handiwork, her arms folded across her ample bosom, and said:
 "Why don't you try wallpaper, Gerd?"
Any thoughts on this opening paragraph? (I happen to love children as narrators, and ~ so far so good.)


  1. I love the idea of the two of them doing their own thing, never quite meeting in the middle. I'm sure the relationship will continue like this on parallel lines. Can't wait to see the review.
    Here's Mine

  2. Would the wallpapering be any easier? Interesting opening paragraph! My tease

  3. I just laughed ... so, so far so good as to laugh at the beginning suggests sparks of laughter throughout.
    Will be bqck commenting at the end of the month.
    ¡Hasta luego!

  4. I think I'd need to read a little more as that paragraph didn't really hook me. Hope you enjoy the book, Diane.

  5. I think I'd pass on that one, sounds too much like work!

  6. I almost want to smack Fru across the face for that remark. No kindness, no tact, no even small comment just the major implication that the work Gerd and her son did on the wall, the painting that too months, looks awful. My heart goes out to the narrator. I'm very curious about how Gerd and the narrator receive Fru's comment as well as what this story is all about especially since the title is "Child Wonder".

    I think this is an intriguing opening paragraph, Diane that really whets my curiosity re: this book!

    I've posted my paragraph (lovin' this meme!):
    Amy's First Chapter First Paragraph

  7. I might just read this one based on that paragraph. It sounds like there is more going on in that relationship than just painting, and I would be interested to find out what!

  8. I am about 50 pages into this one and liking it very much.

  9. LOL, I had the same thought as Amy! I'd rather paint myself.

    Mine is here

  10. A great opener, I can just picture the crossing of those arms.

  11. Children are great narrators :)

    I really like it. I did this meme today.
    Here is the link - http://givingreadingachance.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/first-chapter-first-paragraph-tuesday-intros/

  12. Poor kid! How's he supposed to reach to do the wallpaper!

    This is mine:

  13. Sounds good so far, but I'd read a little more to be sure.

    I have a little twist on Tuesday Intro this week. I'm asking for help in choosing my next novella.

  14. Sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy the book.

  15. Interesting but not captivating. I probably wouldn't have continued to read the book any further. Reminded me of home improvement, which reminds me of more work. :-)

  16. I like child narrators too … even though they often sound so precocious!

  17. This intro is baffling to me, but I am also intrigued.

  18. I enjoy child narrators. Wallpapering isn't easier than painting, but I like Fru's point -- just get 'er done!


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