Monday, August 29, 2011

Mailbox Monday

Our host for August is: Staci-Life in the Thumb
Past week's arrivals


  1. Wow; I'm seriously blown away by the quality reads you received and bought this week! We'll compare notes on A Thousand Lives, I think! Enjoy them all!

  2. Your mailbox looks great! I'm curious about Children of Paranoia...and A Thousand Lives is going on my list.

    Thanks for visiting my blog...and enjoy your books!

  3. You're so welcome Diane, I hope you enjoy it. Glad to see you got Trick of the Light. I love her series but it's one that I think needs to be read in order. Have a wonderful week and happy reading.

  4. A lot of great books there, and I am really intrigued by that O'Connor that you picked up. Hope that you get a lot of time to enjoy them all!

  5. Hope you and Mr. Bib. are okay and your home is undamaged. I was thinking about you. At least you had lots of good reading to occupy you as you rode it out.

  6. That is a LOT of books! I've heard that Model Home is great!

  7. Another great week for reading. Most are new to me. I also have A Thousand Lives which looks like it could be intense.

    Hope everything is drying out nicely now that Irene has left and things get back to normal soon.

  8. I've heard of Don't BReath a Word and have to say I'll be intrigued to hear your thoughts next.

    Have to say you have a great variation - that's what I love about you most :)

  9. Wow! That is a great mailbox :)

  10. You had a great week! I haven't read Flannery O'Connor since college, but I remember enjoying A Good Man Is Hard to Find. Glad to hear you're safe after the storm!

  11. Can't wait to see what you think of the McMahon -- it was scary (to me). Enjoy the O'Connor!

  12. So many good titles, I don't know where to start. I really want to try Flannery O'Connor, so I'll be interested to see what you think of her work.

  13. Haven't been here in a while. Love the look of your blog.

  14. Wonderful mailbox this week, enjoy.

  15. Wonderful goodies this week, Diane. I am particularly interested in your purchases...the Flannery O'Connor books and the Yates book. Enjoy them all!
    Happy Reading :o)

  16. Don't know any of the book title. but I wish you have an enjoyable read Diane!

  17. What a great mailbox full of books! Hope you don't feel overwhelmed, I know I would be. And then I'd sit down and start reading those lovely, wonderful books! :-)

  18. What a great mailbox full of books! Hope you don't feel overwhelmed, I know I would be. And then I'd sit down and start reading those lovely, wonderful books! :-)

  19. I'm expecting my copy of Children of Paranoia next week. A Thousand Lives is also on my list. Happy reading!

  20. I enjoyed your photos of books, and hope you enjoy these books.

    Diane, I'm taking a short blogging break but will return next month.

  21. Great mailbox! There are several I've not heard of, but I'm going to check them out.

  22. ooh. i've read don't breathe a word and really enjoyed it although the ending through me for a loop. i can't wait to see what you have to say about it! let me know once you finish reading it. hope you enjoy all of the books you received!

  23. The only one of your new selections I'm familiar with is Leisure Seekers, which contains one of my all-time favorite lines: "I'm sorry for worrying the children. But I've spent most of my adult life worrying about them so I'm going to call it even." :)

  24. So many great books! I have A Thousand Lives as well so I am excited to see what you think of it.

  25. A Thousand Lives has been in quite a few mailboxes this week and looks very intriguing to me. I hope you enjoy all your new reads.

  26. I didn't love Don't Breath a Word, the fairies were a little too much for my taste.

    You have a great bunch of books this week. I am SO ready for life to get back to a normal pace, I actually miss blogging and the blogging world. People who love talking about books.

    I'm off to read your hurricane post.

  27. Lots of new to me titles..looking forward to your reviews. I've not read Flannery O'Connor and will be interested in your thoughts.

  28. Another Flannary O' her. I hope you like Don't Breathe A Word


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