Monday, August 1, 2011

Mailbox Monday - August 1st

Our host for August is: Staci-Life in the Thumb

Past week's arrivals
Have you read any of these yet?


  1. Nice mailbox, Diane. The Archer book was in mine too!

  2. You have some great titles this week. I'm not familiar with most of these, but OMG, I do love Doris Lessing's books. And I haven't read that one!

    I'm also curious about When She Woke.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I've read a few Daheims before but not that one. Have a wonderful week and enjoy all your new books, Diane.

  4. That looks like a wonderful week in the mailbox, Diane. I didn't have any of these on my radar -- hope you enjoy them!

  5. I don't think I've read a single one of these books!

  6. You can never go wrong with Flannery O'Connor. I have her complete set of short stories around here somewhere. I may need to get it out again.

  7. I have heard such wonderful things about Iron House, and now I want to go out and grab it! A lot of interesting books you've got here today. I hope that you enjoy them!

  8. I haven't read any but I did get a couple of the same ones last week. I'll be watching for your review of Iron House.

  9. I love seeing everyone's books that they've received. I definitely want to read Hillary Jordan's book.

  10. After reading Laurel-Rain Snow's comment and having heard others love Doris Lessing, I think I'd better give her another try. The one book of hers that I read years ago was a real slog to get through; I didn't like it at all. But, my reading tastes have changed since then.

  11. Nice variety of reads, enjoy!

  12. Doris Lessing and Flannery O'Connor, yum!!

  13. I'm really curious about Lost Memory of Skin. That reptile on the front turns me off so I will be curious to read your thoughts on that one!!

  14. I received Only Time Will Tell also. I started it last night and am loving it. I will watch to see what you think of Iron House. I have The Last Child by John Hart in my tbr pile after a friend recommended it to me.

  15. I haven't read any of these but they sure look good!

  16. I'm never in on the loop to know what these books are about, but I like the title of "When She Woke."

  17. I hope you enjoy all your books! Have a good week :)

  18. I hope you enjoy Iron House!

  19. My eyes popped at the title Lost Memory of Skin & All the Pretty Hearses. The latter made me think of the song All the Pretty Horses... or did I just make up that song??

    Another stellar mailbox. Must admit that I am intrigued by Lessing - she tends to be very hard - n'est pas??

  20. I can't wait to hear what people think about When She Woke. I loved Mudbound, and this book sounds so different!

  21. Morning...I like the cover on a couple of these...thinking of adding All the Pretty Hearses to my TBR list

  22. I have Only Time Will Tell and When She Woke, too. Can't wait to read your thoughts on those. Happy reading!

  23. Oh I heard that Iron House is really good. Great win there!

  24. Ahhh, so many great books! I really want (to read) When She Woke.

    I have Iron House and am looking forward to it.

    Hope they are all great reads, Diane!

  25. Please do review the Flannery Connor novel! I adore her writing and would love to know if this is another must read of hers!


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.